Apprenticeships in Primary Care

Apprenticeship training programmes are a fantastic way to develop and retain your workforce. Apprenticeships provide robust, high-quality development for your existing and new employees, with access to qualifications at entry Level 2 to post-graduate Level 7. 

For more insight into how apprenticeships can support the Primary Care workforce you can:

Apprenticeships suitable to roles in Primary Care

With nearly 700 apprenticeships available, it can be difficult to find programmes that would be suitable to roles in Primary Care. We have provided some information for several relevant apprenticeship programmes, to support your teams to consider how an apprentice could fit into your workforce.

Clinical programmes

Level of study: Level 7

Link to apprenticeship standard:

Advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) are experienced clinicians who demonstrate expertise in their scope of practice. ACPs manage defined episodes of clinical care independently, from beginning to end, providing care and treatment from the time an individual first presents in Primary Care, through to the end of the episode, which may include admission, referral or discharge or care at home.

Level of study: Level 6

Link to apprenticeship standards:

Apprenticeships are available in allied health professional (AHP) roles, such as physiotherapy, paramedics, occupational therapists and more. 

Currently, the vocational requirements of these qualifications are challenging to achieve within Primary Care alone. However to prepare staff for entry to the degree qualifications, you can consider using the Level 3 support worker or Level 5 assistant practitioner apprenticeship standards, as set out in the apprenticeship standards in AHPs PDF.

Level of study: Level 7

Link to apprenticeship standard:

The doctor degree apprenticeship standard was approved in July 2022, and is anticipated to start in 2024.

Level of study: Level 6

Link to apprenticeship standard:

Enhanced clinical practitioners are qualified health and social care professionals, who work at an enhanced level of practice, with specific knowledge and skills in a field of expertise. The Level 6 enhanced clinical practitioner apprenticeship is a non-integrated degree, which enables flexibility in how the programme is delivered.

Link to apprenticeship standards:

Healthcare assistants (HCAs) new to Primary Care can be upskilled using the Level 2 healthcare support worker apprenticeship. For those with more experience, the Level 3 senior healthcare support worker programme will be more suitable. Further details are available in the apprenticeship standards in Primary Care nursing PDF.

Some training providers offer Primary Care pathways, which will bring additional benefits to your organisation. 

Level of study: Level 5

Link to apprenticeship standard:

The nursing associate (NA) is a bridging role between HCAs and graduate registered nurses. For more information on this role, please watch the nursing associates in General Practice YouTube video.

In Primary Care, the student NA role is available through the Additional Roles Requirement Scheme (ARRS). To understand more about the programme, benefits to Primary Care, and how to implement the apprenticeship, please view our NA apprenticeship information pack.

Level of study: Level 3

Link to apprenticeship standard:

The Level 3 pharmacy technician apprenticeship can be utilised in GP Practices where there is a dispensary, access to regular communication with patients, and at least 14 hours supervision from a registered pharmacy technician or pharmacist. 

View our apprenticeships in Primary Care bitesize information session for pharmacy technician programmes slides [PDF, size: 310 KB] for more information on these standards.

Level of study: Level 7

Link to apprenticeship standard:

A procurement activity has taken place to select university providers to deliver the physician associate apprenticeship, and the role has also been added to the ARRS for 2023-24. 

Level of study: Level 6

Nursing is one of the most dynamic and rewarding roles within healthcare. Nurses work directly with the patient in variety of settings which may include hospital wards, operating theatres, schools, patient homes and more.

For information about the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship review the (RNDA Overview slide pack)
Link to RNDA apprenticeship standard: Registered nurse degree (NMC 2018) / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
Link to Training Providers delivering this apprenticeship programme: Training providers for Registered nurse degree (NMC 2018) (level 6)

To discuss local training provider options, email:

Non-clinical programmes

Link to apprenticeship standards:

More information on this learning pathway is outlined in the apprenticeship standards in accounts / finance PDF.

Level of study: Level 4

Link to apprenticeship standard:

Link to apprenticeship standards:

Further details on the standard are available in the apprenticeship standards in business administration support PDF.

Level of study: Level 3

Link to apprenticeship standard:

Link to apprenticeship standards:

View the apprenticeship standards in people professions PDF for the full professional pathway.

Link to apprenticeship standards:

Level of study: Level 4

Link to apprenticeship standard:

Frequently asked questions

Apprenticeships are work-based training programmes that are designed to help employers train people for specific job roles. At the same time, apprentices get a paying job with valuable training for 20% of their time, while they work towards a nationally recognised apprenticeship standard or framework.

Yes – if the activity is within the scope of their role, is away from their day-to-day job, and the apprentice gets to learn and practice their skills and knowledge.

For further guidance and resources for employers on meeting the 20% off-the-job training requirement refer to apprenticeships: off the job training guidance.

No. In the new apprenticeship funding rules guidance, employers are no longer able to ask apprentices to pay back any costs for training, exams or other activities.

The minimum duration of 12-months is based on an apprentice working at least 30 hours a week, including any off-the-job training they undertake. If the apprentice works fewer than 30 hours a week, or where a part-time working pattern is needed, you must agree with the training provider to extend the apprenticeship accordingly.

Once you know which apprenticeship standard or framework your apprentice wants to study, you can visit Salisbury DPS self service area at FutureNHS for guides and order forms.

Apprenticeship training fees are paid for from the apprenticeship levy. As most Primary Care Practices are non-levy paying, organisations you would either pay a 5% contribution to the costs of the apprenticeship or you can ask for levy transfer from neighbouring organisations to cover the whole cost. More information is available in the levy transfer section on this webpage.

Please note, levy can only be used to pay for the training fees and not the salary for the apprentice.

If the prior learning is relevant to the apprenticeship being undertaken, then yes. Please see the Healthcare Apprenticeships Standards Online (HASO) recognition of prior learning webpage for more information on recognition of prior learning.

Before the programme begins, the employer and apprentice sign an apprenticeship agreement that contains important information regarding the apprenticeship. It serves as a binding employment contract between the apprentice and the employer and is a legal obligation.

Maths and English GCSE grade 4/C or above or Functional Skills Level 2 in both are required for all apprenticeships.

If prospective apprentices do not have these qualifications, have lost their certificates, or have obtained qualifications overseas, then you can request support from the TVW Primary Care School.

All apprentices must have a contract of employment which is long enough for them to complete the apprenticeship programme. They must also have a job role (or roles) that provides them with the opportunity to gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to achieve their apprenticeship.

Employment can be offered either on a fixed-term or permanent basis, however the apprenticeship must last a minimum of 12-months, regardless of age or prior experience.

The apprenticeship funding rules guidance contain detailed information on employing apprentices.

HASO is an online system, developed by Skills for Health, that allows you to find and download apprenticeship standards commonly used in healthcare settings. You can search by occupation, level, or route.

Functional Skills

Achieving Functional Skills qualifications in English and maths are key outcomes for all apprenticeships, and for many regulated healthcare qualifications. English and maths qualifications can be a huge enabler to individuals before starting an apprenticeship, as this will support them in accessing apprenticeships and aid their future achievements.

The Functional Skills Primary Care information pack [PDF, size: 406 KB] may be useful to help all Primary Care colleagues understand the need for these core skills, but please note training opportunities in this pack are available to those working in Thames Valley only.

Generic resources are listed below:

Levy transfer

Practices or Primary Care Networks seeking an apprenticeship levy transfer to fund the costs of an apprenticeship training programme, may wish to watch the bitesize understanding levy transfers session:


Our apprenticeship leads are available to answer your questions via

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Click to find out more about healthcare apprenticeships on the HASO Skills for Health website