Once your Primary Care Network (PCN) is approved / verified as a learning environment, our team can offer guidance and advice to support you to continue developing a high quality educational environment. To support your thinking around this, we have outlined some areas you might want to consider on this webpage.
If you would like to discuss any of these areas in more detail please contact us on england.primarycareschooltvw.se@nhs.net.
Enhancing PCN-wide working practices
Whilst completing the learning environment approval process, your team will have considered how you work as a joint entity, across multiple practice sites. You may have also identified some areas where further work is required.
Some of the steps below may support you to enhance your joint working practices, and your offer to learners:
- Developing existing or innovative structures for supervision
- Developing new integrated, interprofessional pathways for learning
- Expanding student / learner placements
- Expanding training sites, to include additional practices or community settings
- Introducing new professions of students / learners
- Standardising governance across the PCN
- Workforce and supervisor mapping
Hear from City East Oxfordshire PCN Clinical Director, Dr Rohit Kotnis on how his team began establishing their learning environment:

Hosting student / learner placements
Our learning environment leads (LELs) work with local Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to facilitate wider workforce student / learner placements in Primary Care.
Placements are based on mutual agreement, and you can can accept or decline placement requests.
View Wokingham North PCN’s experience of learning environment approval, and hosting their first student nurseIf you are interested in hosting wider workforce learners for the first time, or expanding the professions your team supports, contact your LEL via england.primarycareschooltvw.se@nhs.net.
Please note if you are interested in hosting GP trainees you will need to liaise with your GP School.
Generating income from placement tariff
Most learner placements in Primary Care incur funding that can support the running of your PCN learning environment.
Anya Makin-Terry, one of our LELs, has produced a case study on how two Frimley PCNs have use tariff to create a self-sustaining learning environment:

Alternatively you can view the slide sets used in this case study:
- Surrey Heath PCN developing a sustainable Learning Environment [PDF, size: 507 KB]
- Yateley PCN developing a sustainable Learning Environment [PDF, size: 454 KB]
Innovative projects and ways of working
As part of the PCN learning environment approval project, we funded several innovative projects, allowing PCN teams to address PCN-level learning issues, or to develop new pathways for learning.
We are pleased to share the end of project reports as examples of innovative ways of working your PCN could explore:
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