The Language of Leadership: finding your own voice

A personalised leadership programme

Leadership cannot be downloaded. Learning about leadership and the many aspects of your leadership role is of course important, but leadership cannot be summarised in a checklist.

Being a leader – at work, and in your own life – is a personal development journey: leadership is about who you are as much as what to do

‘The Language of Leadership: Finding your Own Voice’ is a highly interactive and flexible personal and professional development programme, designed for you and by you.

The programme (which has been run as a joint venture between NHSE Wessex and Thames Valley since 2019) aims to help you develop your leadership skills, take full ownership of your leadership role and create your own professional identity as a leader and communicate with authenticity and impact.

The programme has been designed for doctors in postgraduate training (doctors) (FY2+) across Wessex and Thames Valley.

Medical doctor places are funded by Wessex and Thames Valley study leave budgets, but other doctors (up to CCT+2 years) or dentists may attend as fee payers. 

Built on a coaching approach, each part of the programme offers you time and space to think within a collaborative learning community in which different ideas, perspectives and experiences can be shared.

You will have opportunities to:

Think about personal as well as professional life goals and connect with what really matters to you
Learn more about yourself and gain insights into your relationships with others
Develop your own personal and authentic leadership style
Enhance your interpersonal skills for leadership and management
Network with colleagues from other specialties – for mutual support now, and going forward, as future leaders in the NHS

You will also receive a resource handout for each part of the programme.

Programme structure

To begin the programme you must attend The Language of Leadership – Introduction.

To complete the programme, you will need to participate in at least four follow-on modules over a period of one to three years. Those who wish to may also participate in further follow-on modules – up to eight in total:

How to book

Please visit The Language of Leadership – Introduction page for event dates and booking information.

Contact us
01962 690310