We are accepting applications for continuing professional development (CPD) funding for allied health professionals, nurses and nursing associates employed in an NHS GP practice or Primary Care Network within Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West.
How to apply for CPD funding
- Review course offering on this webpage
- Submit the continuing professional development funding application Microsoft Form (or scan the QR code)
- Await application outcome email from TVW Primary Care School
- If successful, further application details will be shared in outcome email

I am not sure what CPD I should apply for. Can you help?
We recommend you visit the provider / course webpage to determine if a course is suitable for your needs.
If you cannot find the information you need, email: england.primarycareschooltvw.se@nhs.net.
If you would like a career development conversation, email us with your preferred availability, so our team can arrange a meeting with you.
What happens if my funding request is not approved?
We will send you an email detailing why your request has been declined, and suggest alternative CPD options, or invite you to have a career development conversation with one of our team.
The course / training I am looking for isn’t available, what can I do?
We are updating our course offering on this webpage all the time, so recommend checking back here regularly. You may also wish to sign up to our mailing list(s) for email updates.
Unfortunately we are currently unable to offer bespoke CPD requests.
If you are looking for courses at Level 8 (Consultant), please email us on england.primarycareschooltvw.se@nhs.net.
Live opportunities
Communication skills – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Advanced Communication and supportive relationships (Oxford Brookes University)
Dates: cohorts commencing September 2025 and September 2026
Delivery method: Distance learning
Level of study: Level 7
This single module explores verbal and non-verbal communication, and the development of supportive relationships, within the context of health and social care. It aims to build on existing skills and develop them within the student’s area of practice. The module promotes a critical approach to sources of knowledge from nursing, health and social care and psychotherapy.
Dementia – Suitable for Nurses
Dementia care (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: cohort commencing February 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 6 or Level 7
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/dementia-care
This course will cover a range of areas relating to dementia care such as:
• assessment and interventions for patients who have an altered physical status
• altered psychological status and altered social status secondary to dementia
• the concept of patient-centred care in dementia and an understanding of the patient journey to ensure specific needs such as care planning and communication are met
• the roles of relatives, friends, and the extended healthcare team in supporting a patient with dementia
Transforming dementia care (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Transforming Dementia Care Level 7 module – Education For Health
This level 7 module will enable students to deliver person centred care, considering current approaches, research and treatments in relation to the different types of dementia, the disease trajectory including end of life care. Due to the nature of the condition ethical decision making is fundamental to quality of life throughout the disease journey and into end of life care and therefore will underpin the module.
Dermatology – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Fundamentals of dermatology for Primary Care (BBO Training)
Dates: two-day course: Wednesday 5 and Wednesday 26 March 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
The aim of this course is to equip Primary Care healthcare professionals with evidence-based knowledge and practical confidence to elevate dermatology care, improve patient support for common skin conditions, and ensure appropriate secondary care referral.
Dermatology update (BBO Training)
Dates: one-day update: TBC
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This course is relevant for Primary Care staff who wish to update knowledge on dermatology care, including evidence-based practice and guidance.
Diabetes – Suitable for Nurses and Nursing Associates
Diabetes care (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: cohort commencing February 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Uxbridge Campus
Level of study: Level 6 or Level 7
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/diabetes-care
This course will help develop your knowledge and understanding of caring for patients with diabetes, studying the nature of diabetes mellitus in greater depth, including its impact on the patient and family.
Diabetes – improving glycaemic control (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Diabetes Glycaemic Control – Education for Health
Glycaemic control is central to managing diabetes and reducing the risk of complications for many people. This module contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding of the evidence to underpin clinical decisions and practice in assuring effective glycaemic control.
Diabetes – reducing cardiovascular risk (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Diabetes Reducing Cardiovascular Risk Level 7 module – Education For Health
Glycaemic control is usually the key issue addressed in practice. However, evidence suggests that cardiovascular complications are reduced through a multifactorial approach which addresses blood pressure, lipid management and lifestyle issues. In some people with diabetes, these interventions have a greater impact on cardiovascular risk than glycaemic control. This module encourages evidence-based analysis and discussion along with a synthesis of different approaches to managing risk in diabetes, which potentially go beyond the guidelines.
Enhancing diabetes care in professional practice (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 6
Link: Enhancing Diabetes Care in Professional Practice Short Course – Education For Health
This course focuses upon the assessment and management of patients with, or at risk of developing, diabetes and its precursor, metabolic syndrome, with emphasis on the prevention, recognition and management of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. You will have sound knowledge of the literature relevant to diabetes and metabolic syndrome in relation to cardiovascular complications and an insight into the strategic approaches to delivery of care, to empower you to participate effectively in managing patients with or at risk of developing diabetes.
Introduction to diabetes (BBO Training)
Dates: two-day course: Wednesday 30 April 2025, Wednesday 14 May 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This two-day training is designed for Primary Care staff who are new to the field of diabetes care. If you’ve recently started seeing patients with diabetes, or are planning to, this course is tailored to provide you with the fundamental knowledge and skills required to confidently care for individuals with diabetes. The primary focus is on adults with Type 2 diabetes, although key recommendations and signposting for patients with Type 1 diabetes will also be covered.
Principles of diabetes for professional practice (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 5
Link: Principles of Diabetes for Professional Practice Short Course – Education For Health
This course is aimed at any healthcare professional who participate in the assessment, management and delivery of care for people with or at risk of developing diabetes.
Diabetes update day (BBO Training)
Dates: one-day update: Monday 9 June 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This update course covers the latest trends in diabetes management, encompassing a thorough understanding of cutting-edge pharmacological interventions utilised in diabetes care.
End of life care – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Care at the end of life (Oxford Brookes University)
Dates: cohort commencing January 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Credit bearing module in Care at the End of Life at Oxford Brookes University
This single practice-focused module explores death and dying from a professional practice perspective. This includes discussion of the principles of palliative care and notions of a ‘good death’. You will evaluate ethical, legal and professional frameworks, and policy and service provision, and their applications across different cultural and practice settings.
You will develop a critical awareness of the dying process and symptom management, communication and assessment, viewed within their cultural context. In the process, You will develop greater self-awareness of your attitudes to death, dying and loss, and how these impact on the dying person and their families.
End of life care and symptom management (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: cohort commencing February 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Uxbridge Campus
Level of study: Level 6 or Level 7
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/end-life-care-and-symptom-management
This course is suitable for qualified healthcare professionals who wish to develop their knowledge, understanding and skillset in caring for patients at the end of their lives, across all care settings.
It is designed to deliver up-to-date theory and to allow discussion of advancements in practice including new interventions and technological developments. The taught content will be linked to your experiences allowing critical discussion of practice with other students on the course.
Frailty – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Frailty as a long term condition (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Frailty as a Long Term Condition Level 7 module – Education For Health
This course will enhance your knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes in relation to current treatment, management and risk avoidance of different aspects and challenges of frailty.
Frailty care (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: cohort commencing February 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Uxbridge Campus
Level of study: Level 6 or Level 7
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/frailty-care
This course will support you to develop an understanding of the appropriate assessment and management strategies for the clinical care of a person with frailty. Current and relevant government and clinical guidelines will also be explored.
You’ll gain insight into the experiences of the frail older person and have the chance to reflect on prevention, assessment and to build strategies for frailty. You’ll also explore issues relating to the management and development of healthcare services to enhance support for the person with frailty.
Health Promotion – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Advanced Health Promotion (Oxford Brookes University)
Dates: cohorts commencing January 2025 and June 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Headington Campus
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Credit bearing module in Advanced Health Promotion at Oxford Brookes University
In this module you will be introduced to behavioural theory as it relates to changes in health behaviour and lifestyle, as well as looking at the larger social dimensions related to lifestyle. You will be introduced to behavioural theory as it relates to changes in health behaviour and lifestyle, as well as looking at the larger social dimensions related to lifestyle. The module will also provide tools for: planning health promotion activities, considering the advantages and disadvantages of engaging communities in developing their own healthy lifestyles.
Heart – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Cardiac disease: prevention and management for non-specialists (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: cohort commencing February 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Uxbridge Campus
Level of study: Level 6 or Level 7
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/cardiac-disease-prevention-and-management-non-specialists
You don’t need to be a specialist in cardiac care to attend this course, but have a desire to learn more about cardiac disease and its management. Unlike the traditional Cardiac Care module there is no requirement to fulfil a book of clinical competencies.
If you’re looking to enhance your professional development, but don’t require credits to put towards a qualification, then you can choose to study this course without credits attached and don’t need to complete the final assessment. If you choose this route, you’ll receive a certificate of CPD hours which will be valuable for NMC revalidation purposes.
Enhancing cardiovascular care for professional practice (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 6
Link: Enhancing Cardiovascular Care for Professional Practice Short Course – Education For Health
This short course is aimed at any healthcare professional who participates in the delivery and management of care for people with CVD, their families and carers.
CVD is an umbrella term for a variety of cardiovascular diseases, sharing similar risks. It remains one of the leading causes of premature mortality and morbidity with a strong evidence base for both the primary and secondary prevention of the disease. This short course reflects the national imperative to prevent and manage CVD effectively. Within this module the main focus will be on cardiovascular disease . It is underpinned by the principles of evidence-based healthcare and incorporates the long-term conditions agenda.
Heart failure beyond the basics (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Heart Failure Beyond the Basics Level 7 module – Education For Health
Designed for healthcare professionals with basic knowledge of pathophysiology and management of heart failure, the module explores the management of HF-LVSD alongside other conditions which impact heart function, including cor pulmonale.
Introduction to cardiovascular disease (BBO Training)
Dates: two-day course: Wednesday 26 February 2025 and Wednesday 5 March 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
These training days are designed to provide a holistic approach to cardiovascular diseases, encompassing coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, heart failure, and hypertension. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to perform annual reviews for patients with these conditions.
Advanced / enhanced care
Advancing heart failure care (Rotherham Respiratory)
Dates: on demand, with four months access to materials
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://rotherhamrespiratory.com/heart-courses/advancing-heart-failure-care-course-online/
The following topics will be covered:
• Definitions of heart failure
• Pathophysiology of heart failure
• Signs and symptoms of heart failure
• Diagnosing heart failure: clinical examinations and tests
• Pharmacological treatment of heart failure
• Managing fluid congestion in heart failure
• The kidneys in heart failure
• Device therapies
• Cardiac rehabilitation and self-care
• Reviewing a heart failure patient
• The role of palliative care in heart failure
History taking and assessment – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Advanced / enhanced care
Advanced history taking and assessment (Oxford Brookes University)
Dates: cohorts commencing in January 2025 and May 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Oxford / Swindon
Level of study: Level 7
Link: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/courses/cpd/advanced-history-taking-and-assessment
This module will allow you to build critical thinking skills by enhancing your knowledge and skills in taking a comprehensive patient history and performing a thorough physical and psychosocial assessment.
Certificate in advanced history taking and clinical assessment (University of Reading)
Dates: commencing Wednesday 23 April 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, White Knights campus, Reading
Level of study: Level 7
This module is designed for practising healthcare professionals who are required to complete history taking and physical assessment of patients. You will be supported to develop skills in analysing, evaluating and recording information in relation to enhanced patient care roles.
History taking and assessment (University of Winchester)
Dates: May 2025, September 2025 or February 2026
Delivery method: face-to-face, University of Winchester campus
Level of study: Advanced
Link: History Taking and Assessment – University of Winchester
This short course will provide nurses and allied health professionals with a comprehensive understanding of consultation models and a systematic approach to history taking and physical assessment, including for different age groups, those with difficulties with communication, as well as for people who may require mental health assessment.
Immunisations and Travel Health – Suitable For Nurses and Nursing Associates
Travel health
Introduction to travel health (BBO Training)
Dates: two-day course: Thursday 24 and Friday 25 April 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This course is tailored for healthcare professionals who have completed a two-day foundation course in general immunisation and are planning to start offering travel health advice, including vaccinations.
Immunisations update – national cohort immunisations adult / child (BBO Training)
Dates: half-day course: Thursday 8 May 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
An annual update of national cohort immunisations for both adults and children, for professionals who have already completed a two-day foundation course.
This session content fulfils the mandatory requirements outlined in the Public Health England (2018) National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Registered Healthcare Practitioners.
Immunisations update – travel health (BBO Training)
Dates: half-day course: Thursday 8 May 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
An update course for participants who are practicing in the area of travel health.
Interpreting blood results – Suitable for AHPs
Demystifying blood tests in musculoskeletal health (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists)
Dates: N/A
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.macpweb.org/events/
This is a course designed for AHP’s working, who are wanting to work as autonomous practitioners with access to diagnostics in first contact practitioner or advanced practice roles.
This will be a full day course designed to provide an in-depth review of the blood tests commonly used in musculoskeletal practice, what they are and when to consider them.
Interpreting blood results (BBO Training)
Dates: 26 March or 21 May 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: Our Courses – BBO Training
A full-day course tailored for experienced Primary Care staff who seek to enhance their proficiency in ‘Interpreting Blood Results within Primary Care’
Leadership Development
Improving the quality of Healthcare (Oxford Brookes University)
Dates: cohorts commencing September 2025, January 2026 and September 2026
Delivery method: distance learning
Level of study: Level 6
Link: Credit bearing module in Improving the Quality of Healthcare at Oxford Brookes University
This course will enable healthcare professionals to critically explore the conceptual foundations of quality and governance in the context of their own working environment. You will gain an understanding of the broader theoretical concepts of quality and clinical governance initiative. It challenges accepted notions of measuring quality and performance in complex situations and explores how practitioners can develop more appropriate and effective frameworks. You will be introduced to the complexity of change management and the dilemmas in achieving organisational change through clinical governance.
Strategies for assessment and feedback to support clinical practice (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
The purpose of this module is to enable health care practitioners to develop their knowledge and skills in creating innovative assessment strategies appropriate to support learners in their clinical environment appropriately aligned with learning outcomes. They will also develop an understanding of the different methods of feedback and gain skills in delivering feedback in a variety of situations.
Long-term conditions
Community rehabilitation for long-term condition (University of Winchester)
Dates: September 2025 or May 2026
Delivery method: face-to-face – University of Winchester campus
Level of study: working towards Advanced Practice
Link: Community Rehabilitation – Long term conditions – University of Winchester
In this course, you will explore population health approaches, social determinants of health and health inequalities to understand the needs of the local population. You’ll build confidence in developing innovative, transformative solutions / interventions that are community based and population driven.
Optimising atrial fibrillation and stroke management as a long-term condition (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
The purpose of this module is to enable healthcare practitioners to develop their critical appraisal of the evidence supporting current management of patients with atrial fibrillation and stroke and be able to plan evidence based care providing solutions to some of the challenges in the minimisation of the impact of these conditions on the individuals, their relatives and the community at large. The module provides the opportunity to identify and critically appraise the literature surrounding key aspects of the care pathway in the diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation and stroke with a focus on strategies for risk factor reduction and stroke prevention.
Men’s health- Suitable for Nurses and Nursing Associates
Men’s health update day (BBO Training)
Dates: one-day update: TBC
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
An update course for participants who are already practicing in the area of men’s health.
Mental health – Suitable for AHPs, Nurses and Nursing Associates
Impact of mental health on long term conditions (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Impact of Mental Health on Long Term Conditions Level 7 module – Education For Health
This module explores risk factors for common mental health issues in people with long term physical health conditions. You will explore communication, interaction and working in partnership with patients, families and carers including signposting and referral to other services. Issues of equality, diversity, inclusion and safeguarding will be discussed in the context of key legislation, health policy and ethics.
Self harm and suicide awareness (M&K Update) – AHPs and Nurses
Dates: TBC
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.mkupdate.co.uk/course/self-harm-and-suicide-awareness
This course aims to provide an understanding of patients presenting with self harm and suicidal thoughts. Learners are supported to identify risks and given knowledge of how to provide appropriate care, support and referral to correct services.
Understanding mental health in Primary Care (M&K Update) – AHPs and Nurses
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.mkupdate.co.uk/course/understanding-mental-health-in-primary-care
This two-day course provides an introductory overview of several mental health conditions. It will also look at cultural aspects, history taking, and enabling people to gain a deeper understanding of a wide range of conditions.
Minor illness – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Clinical management of minor injury and illness (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: 20 week course: start dates April 2025 or July 2025
Delivery method: blended virtual and face-to-face at Uxbridge Campus
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/clinical-management-minor-injury-and-illness
This module aims to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the assessment, diagnosis, and management of minor injuries and illnesses across the lifespan. We enable you to develop advanced clinical skills in the context of primary care or urgent care settings.
Introduction to minor illness (BBO Training)
Dates: 2-day course: TBC
Delivery method: virtual
Link: Our Courses – BBO Training
These two days are dedicated to nurses and allied healthcare professionals who are either new to, or revisiting, the realm of minor illness assessment and treatment. This course is designed as an introduction only, to the management of patients, encompassing both adults and children.
Paediatric Minor Illness: Assessment and Management in Primary Care (Aspire Clinical Training)
Dates: 2-day course: May 2025 or September 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://aspireclinicaltraining.co.uk/courses
This is a two day online course. This course aims to builds confidence and competence in the Management of Paediatrics in Primary Care. The course can be used as an update for those working with children in Primary Care, but also aims to encourage and support practitioners to see younger children in practice.
Theory and Practice of Minor Illness Management in Primary Care (Aspire Clinical Training)
Dates: 6-month course: cohorts commence May 2025 and October 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face at Mercure Lambert Hotel, Thame
Link: https://aspireclinicaltraining.co.uk/courses
This 6-month course covers all areas of Minor Illness. The aim of the course is to enable a practitioner to have the skills, confidence and competence to work in a Minor Illness setting. This may be someone upskilling within Primary Care or a practitioner joining Primary Care from Secondary or Tertiary care.
Minor illness update (BBO Training)
Dates: one-day update: Wednesday 9 April 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
By catering to experienced registered healthcare professionals already practicing in the area of minor illness, this update equips participants to elevate their existing skills, apply the latest insights, and enhance patient care through informed, compassionate, and effective practices.
Minor injury – Suitable for AHPs and Nurses
Assessment and Management of Minor Injuries in Primary Care (Aspire Clinical Training)
Dates: 2-days: March 2025 and October 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://aspireclinicaltraining.co.uk/courses
This is a two day online course.
There are many injuries, aches and pains that find their way onto lists in General Practice. This course can be used as an update for those already seeing injuries or as the basis to learn and understand MSK examination and management of a wide range of injuries seen in Primary Care.
Musculoskeletal conditions – Suitable for AHPs
Musculoskeletal Practice in Primary Care (University of Winchester)
Dates: February 2026
Delivery method: virtual and face-to-face at University of Winchester campus
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Musculoskeletal Practice in Primary Care – University of Winchester
This module, offered with a blend of virtual and face-to-face learning, provides the opportunity for MSK practitioners to develop their theoretical knowledge and professional practice skills to a level necessary for managing complexity in clinical scenarios, often where the evidence is lacking and where complex clinical reasoning is necessary.
Spinal masquerades study day (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists)
Dates: TBC
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.macpweb.org/events/437/spinal-masqueraders-study-day-30th-november-2024
This one-day interactive course is designed to enhance awareness and clinical reasoning in the management of the five most common spinal masqueraders seen in physiotherapy practice.
Content is designed to develop delegates’ clinical reasoning skills and to maximise the integration of newly acquired knowledge into everyday clinical practice.
The day is designed for those working in advanced practitioner or first contact practitioner roles, or those interested in progression into these fields.
Pain management – Suitable for AHPs
Optimising pain management (Education for Health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 7
Link: Optimising Pain Management Level 7 module – Education For Health
This module provides an opportunity to study pain management, specifically in people with long term conditions, including (but not limited to) cancer, musculoskeletal disorders and vascular conditions. There is an emphasis on the importance of carrying out a full assessment of an individual who has chronic pain in order to identify the most appropriate management strategy, based on current research and evidence.
Understanding medication in pain management (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists)
Dates: Friday 14 March 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.macpweb.org/events/445/understanding-medication-in-pain-management
This one-day course is designed to give clinicians working in community musculoskeletal settings a grounding in how analgesics work. Their effects, both good and bad will be explored. The role of non-prescriber in having conversations around medication will be discussed.
Rehabilitation – Suitable for AHPs
Community rehabilitation: Healthy Ageing (University of Winchester)
Dates: September 2025 or May 2026
Delivery method: face-to-face – University of Winchester campus
Level of study: working towards Advanced Practice
Link: Community Rehabilitation – Healthy Ageing – University of Winchester
The course will allow learners to develop critical skills to enhance their own rehabilitation practice and enable a self-managed approach to their clinical practice.
Community rehabilitation for long-term conditions (University of Winchester)
Dates: September 2025 or May 2026
Delivery method: face-to-face – University of Winchester campus
Level of study: working towards Advanced Practice
Link: Community Rehabilitation – Long term conditions – University of Winchester
In this course, you will explore population health approaches, social determinants of health and health inequalities to understand the needs of the local population. You’ll build confidence in developing innovative, transformative solutions / interventions that are community based and population driven.
Respiratory – Suitable for AHPs and nurses
Enhancing asthma care in professional practice (Education for health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 6
Link: Enhancing Asthma Care in Professional Practice Short Course – Education For Health
This multi-professional course is aimed at any healthcare professional who wants to develop a leading role in the delivery and management of services for people with asthma and their families. This course aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to develop as autonomous practitioners in safe, effective and evidence-based practice in the field of asthma.
There is a focus upon the assessment and management of the individual with asthma within the context of the wider community. Importance is placed on a patient centred approach, the health needs of the individual, health promotion and self-empowerment, whilst acknowledging the professional, political and social climate within which services are provided.
Foundations of managing asthma (Education for health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 5
Link: Foundations of Managing Asthma Short Course – Education For Health
This course is aimed at healthcare professionals and healthcare support workers who participate in the delivery and management of care for people with asthma, their families and carers. You will be able to demonstrate appropriate skills and knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and management of asthma and using current clinical guidelines will be able to suggest, initiate and vary treatment in response to assessment of individual clinical needs.
Enhancing COPD care in professional practice (Education for health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 6
Link: Enhancing COPD Care in Professional Practice Short Course – Education For Health
In this course you’ll focus on the assessment and management of the individual with COPD, developing skills to suggest, initiate and vary treatment in response to individual needs.
Principles of COPD for professional practice (Education for health)
Delivery method: virtual
Level of study: Level 5
Link: Principles of COPD for Professional Practice Short Course – Education For Health
This principles of COPD for professional practice short course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to improve the care of people with COPD in hospital and community settings. You’ll demonstrate appropriate skills and knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with COPD and an ability to vary treatment dependent on patient need.
Spirometry package (Education for health)
Dates: offered on multiple dates
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.educationforhealth.org/product/spirometry-interactive-blended-online-learning-package/
This spirometry interactive blended online learning package is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for performing, recording and interpreting spirometry in adults, or a combination of these.
Participants can join this course at any time, there are no set start dates. Participants have six months to complete their studying.
Each month, a live interactive tutorial is held to ensure learners have opportunities to check their understanding with their clinical tutor, ask questions and share best practice with other learners.
Spirometry package including ARTP (Education for health)
Dates: offered on multiple dates
Delivery method: virtual
This spirometry interactive blended online learning package including ARTP assessment access course is designed for healthcare professionals who are responsible for performing, recording and interpreting spirometry in adults, or a combination of these.
Participants can join this course at any time, there are no set start dates. Participants have six months to complete their study.
Each month, a live interactive tutorial is held to ensure learners have opportunities to check their understanding with their clinical tutor, ask questions and share best practice with other learners. You will be supported to feel ready for the ARTP accreditation process. The assessment cost is included in this funding offer
Spirometry refresher including ARTP (Education for health)
Dates: offered on multiple dates
Delivery method: virtual
This spirometry refresher with access to ARTP assessment course has been designed for learners who have spirometry experience but are not currently on the ARTP register. These learners need to refresh their knowledge around spirometry and complete their ARTP accreditation.
The spirometry refresher course consists of:
• Pre-recorded lectures which will enable you to learn at a pace and time that is suitable for you
• Live Q&A webinars every month which will provide you with opportunity to ask questions to a clinical expert as well as share practice with your peers
• Access to the ARTP assessment process. You will be supported to prepare for the assessment. The cost of accreditation is included in the course
Spirometry update (Education for health)
Dates: offered on multiple dates
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://www.educationforhealth.org/product/spirometry-update-online-with-askspiro/
The spirometry update package is specifically designed for people who are looking to fulfil the CPD requirement, to complete their annual ARTP certification.
The package comprises six months access to the online course and access to the Ask Spiro service.
Please note: the cost for the ARTP renewal certificate is not included in this funded course offer. To apply to the national register, you will need to contact ARTP directly.
Women’s health – Suitable for Nurses and Nurses Associates
Ring pessary fitting and prolapse management (BBO Training)
Dates: half-day course: Monday 3 March 2025 (AM session still available)
Delivery method: face-to-face, The Lambert Hotel, Wallington
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This half-day course is designed to empower healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to proficiently perform ring pessary fitting and exchange. Participants will benefit from a structured learning experience that includes supervised practice to achieve competencies in this crucial aspect of women’s health care.
Menopause – The Foundations (The Menopause Course) – Suitable for Nurses
Dates: TBC
Delivery method: Virtual
Link: The Menopause Course for nurses – British Menopause Society
This two-day course is designed for nurses who regularly see and advise women about menopause issues. Content includes common presentations, the range of treatments and associated quality standards
Women’s health for primary care clinicians (M&K Updates)
Dates: two-day course: 26 and 27 March 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: Women’s Health for Primary Care Clinicians | M&K Update
You will use evidence-based practice to develop and increase your knowledge base on women’s health issues. Participants will be enabled to deliver and promote effective healthcare for women who present in Primary Care settings.
Contraception and sexual health in Primary Care (BBO Training)
Dates: five-day course: (ALL BOOKED)
Day 1 – Wednesday 5 February 2025
Day 2 – Thursday 6 February 2025
Day 3 – Thursday 6 March 2025
Day 4 – Wednesday 14 May 2025
Exam – Wednesday 10 September 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, The Lambert Hotel, Watlington, Oxon
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
The primary objective of this course is to empower qualified nurses to deliver exceptional contraceptive and reproductive sexual health services in collaboration with their medical colleagues within the Primary Care setting.
This course endeavours to raise awareness of sexual and contraceptive health issues within this patient group and foster safe practice through the utilisation of Patient Group Directions (PGDs) and protocols. RCN accredited.
Introduction to contraception for healthcare professionals (BBO Training)
Dates: two-day course: Wednesday 23 April 2025 and Wednesday 7 May 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This course is specifically tailored for Primary Care staff who are seeking to expand their understanding of basic contraceptive advice. During this training, we will cover all contraception methods, including LARC’s, emergency contraception, and basic asymptomatic sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening.
Contraception update (BBO Training)
Dates: one-day update: FULLY BOOKED
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
An update day that covers the latest information and updates in the field of contraception. This training is ideal for healthcare professionals who are already practicing in the area of contraception and are seeking to enhance their knowledge and ensure they are delivering the most up-to-date advice to their patients.
The course covers all contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception, LARCs, injectables, and oral contraception.
Wound care
Introduction to would care (BBO Training)
Dates: two-day course: Wednesday 30 April 2025 and Wednesday 14 May 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This interactive course is designed for nurses and healthcare professionals who are new to wound management in the Primary Care setting. The course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to confidently manage wound care for both adults and children.
Introduction to Doppler Assessment (BBO Training)
Dates: 1-day course: 26th March
Delivery method: F2F – Lambert Hotel, A40, Watlington, Oxfordshire, England
Link: Our Courses – BBO Training
This course covers:
• The Physiology of Arterial and Venous Conditions
• The Logic Behind Doppler Evaluations
• The Constraints and Interpretations of Doppler Assessments
• Practical Challenges and Solutions
and enables you to acquire proficiency in Doppler assessment procedures
Principles of wound care (Buckinghamshire New University)
Dates: cohort commencing February 2025
Delivery method: face-to-face, Uxbridge Campus
Level of study: Level 6 or Level 7
Link: https://www.bucks.ac.uk/courses/short/principles-wound-care
This course is designed for registered practitioners working in any clinical environment with an interest in wound management, particularly if you’re already responsible for caring for people with a variety of acute and chronic wounds.
Through gaining a deeper understanding of the physiology of wounds, the impacts on wound healing and the importance of holistic assessment and treatment, you’ll develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to deliver personalised, evidence based wound care.
Wound care update day (BBO Training) – (Suitable for Nurses and Nursing Assoicates)
Dates: one-day update: 4 June 2025
Delivery method: virtual
Link: https://bbotraining.co.uk/our-courses/
This update offers an opportunity to refresh and expand your understanding of key concepts and best practices of wound care, through theoretical learning and practical skill-building. Aims include improved assessment, management and prevention of complex wound conditions.
Coming soon
Managing mental health in non-mental health settings (University of Winchester)
We don’t have dates confirmed for this programme yet. Please contact HWBShortCourses@winchester.ac.uk. at University of Winchester to enquire about upcoming programmes.
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