In order to begin practicing, pharmacy graduates are required to undertake a year of foundation training. This fifth-year of training (previously called the pre-registration year) is now called the foundation training year. Learners on this programme will be referred to as trainee pharmacists. Pre-registration tutors will be referred to as designated supervisors.
The foundation training year supports the transition from pharmacy student to a competent and confident registered practicing pharmacist. Further information about the foundation training year is available on the Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Year Programme website.

Training programmes
Trainee pharmacists carry out their training year in a hospital or community pharmacy setting. There are also increasing numbers of split programmes, which include placements in multiple settings, such as general practice. There are a variety of training programmes available across the region. Our leaflet explains the regional training programme in more detail.
More information about foundation training programmes in hospitals across the South can be found on the Employing Trusts pages.
Foundation training in general practice
These exciting new integrated programmes offer trainee pharmacists the chance to spend three to six months in general practice during their training year, in conjunction with hospital or community pharmacy training.
Here, they will gain a deep understanding of the integral role pharmacist professionals play in general practice, through training alongside a multidisciplinary team. For more information about integrated training programmes, please visit the trainee pharmacists in general practice page.
Recruitment to foundation training programmes
The national recruitment pages of the London and South East Pharmacy website contain comprehensive information about the recruitment process for all foundation training programmes across England and Wales.
HEE South foundation training programme
Whilst foundation year training is provided by the employing organisation, NHS England provide a supporting programme for trainee pharmacists on hospital-based and integrated training programmes across the South. The programme includes:
– Regional training courses
– Monthly teaching days on a wide variety of clinical topics
– Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs)
– Access to an online learning environment
Living in the South
The South is a great region to live and work in for the foundation training year. More information about living in the region is available via the Living in Wessex pages of this website, and the Trainee Pharmacist page of the PWDS website.
Contact us
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