Evolution of Primary Care Network wide Learning Environments

Please note these webpages are under development, refer back for further updates.

History of Learning Environments in Primary Care

The NHS Long Term Plan (2019) committed to bring General Practice together to work at scale to expand educational capacity, whilst ensuring the quality of Learning Environments and educators. Historically, management of Learning Environments in Primary Care has been at individual practice level, which focused the work on a few individuals within that one practice.

With the growth of ‘at scale’ Learning Environments, across a Primary Care Network (PCN) footprint, students / learners can be hosted across multiple settings, creating an integrated pathway for learning.

Role of the Primary Care School

The role of the Primary Care School is to support teams to build sustainable educational capacity and ensure quality educational experience for students / learners, at all levels, to positively impact workforce capacity and development in Primary Care. We work in accordance with the following documents:

Primary Care Network Learning Environment Approval project

To support the transition from practice-level to PCN-level Learning Environments, the TVW Primary Care School introduced the PCN Learning Environment Approval project.

Benefits realisation

  • Promote a positive educational culture across the PCN
  • Improved recruitment and retention 
  • Sharing of good practice and innovation
  • Streamlined process for Learning Environment approval / verification at PCN level

For more information read the Quality Assuring Primary Care Networks as Learning Environments [PDF, size: 503 KB] slide set.

Project deliverables

See the PCN Learning Environment Approval webpage for details relating to this process, and Learning Environment resources webpage for example documents.

Nominate dedicated Education Lead and Administration Leads to support the development of your PCN Learning Environment.

See the Learning Environment resources webpage for example documents.

See the Learning Environment resources webpage for example documents.

See the Learning Environment resources webpage for example documents.

See the Learning Environment resources webpage for example documents.