All Wessex trainees are encouraged to partake in research, and are provided with a weekly session to pursue projects.
There are excellent research projects in University Hospital Southampton (UHS), in a variety of subjects – including skin cancer immunology and transcriptomics, drug allergy testing and contact hypersensitivity – all of which have a translational focus.
Portsmouth, one of the largest recruiters of psoriasis patients on biologics, is also participating in several National Institute for Health Research NIHR clinical trials and trainees are actively encouraged to participate under the excellent guidance of the research lead.
Out of programme training to pursue a doctorate in medicine (MD) or doctorate in philosophy (PhD) is also encouraged. Wessex Academic Clinical Fellow (ACF) trainees have been awarded Wellcome Trust funding for their research, published in high impact journals, and have gone on to secure Clinical Lectureship posts.
Our dermatology trainees have also pioneered a regional network to encourage region wide research and audit projects, with aims to produce high quality data.
What our trainees say about research in Wessex:
“I was attracted to research due to the variety of research opportunities available in the academic department in Southampton and I chose to conduct a lab-based research project that developed my interests in skin cancer and cutaneous immunology. The Wessex training programme and Dermatology department have always provided great support for me to conduct my research during protected time. The supervision and mentorship in the lab has also been excellent, which has been instrumental for enabling me to secure funding from the Wellcome Trust for my PhD.”
Further opportunities in Wessex
Wessex offers academic training in the form of ACFs and we support trainees applying for post-CCT fellowships. Trainees have acquired competitive fellowships from St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Newcastle, and Oxford.
There is also a popular and competitive post-CCT surgical Mohs fellowship in Portsmouth. One of our trainees has been supported in pursuing a subspecialty interest in photodermatology and attended St John’s Institute of Dermatology (SJID) clinics, which has lead to an honorary contract with SJID and a photodermatology service in UHS.
For those trainees who are keen on medical education, Wessex has an excellent Medical Education Fellowship Programme, which offers opportunities to be involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate education.
Wessex also offers a quality improvement fellowship with opportunities to be involved in improving healthcare both locally and abroad.
What our trainees say about opportunities in Wessex:
“Training in Wessex has provided me with an excellent foundation in dermatology surgery and was instrumental in securing an American College accredited Mohs Surgery fellowship in New Zealand.”