Case managers

The case manager’s role

Wessex case managers are responsible for assessing doctors who are referred to the Wessex PSW, by carrying out an objective assessment, based on available information and their own findings. Case managers support the doctor by helping them to identify what further action is required.

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Several case managers have had some coaching training so, at times, they may offer a coaching style conversation. It is not the case manager’s job to solve a doctor’s problem(s) for them, but to help them to explore ways of re-empowering themselves, identifying options and using their own skills to address the problem(s).

This approach helps to ensure that the doctor has ownership of their own solutions. The doctor can then continue to apply newly learnt strategies (for example reflective practice or change of work/life balance) to maintain good professional and personal health.

Case managers continue to support the doctor and monitor their progress, regularly reviewing the situation, until problems are resolved. A case manager will communicate with relevant parties and document their assessments and actions taken.

If deemed necessary, case managers will refer doctors for expert support, provided by the Specialist Support Group (SSG).

The importance of building a trusting relationship

In attempting to help to re-empower a doctor, a case manager is much more likely to succeed if they build a trusting relationship with the doctor. The doctor may feel anxious about meeting a case manager. The first correspondence and meetings between case managers and doctors are therefore the most crucial.

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It is important to reach a position whereby the trainee is comfortable engaging with the case manager, so case managers spend a large proportion of meetings with trainees actively listening to their problems. They show genuine interest in the trainees, are respectful and non-judgmental and show care and concern for them. By building this trusting relationship, case managers and trainees are able to continue engaging in open, honest discussion, allowing the case manager to confront difficult issues, challenge the trainee in a supportive way and avoid collusion.

Meet the case managers

Please refer to the Meet the case managers page for a list of all the case managers who currently work within the Wessex PSW, along with information about them and their backgrounds.

Case manager recruitment

We will update this section when we are next recruiting.

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