General (Internal) Medicine – Standalone Programme

Wessex is a fantastic place to train in General Internal Medicine. There are two main pathways:-

  1. Wessex was one of the first deaneries to offer the newly established, stand alone single accreditation programme, leading to a CCT in General Internal Medicine within three years. (See below for more information)
  2. Many specialties dual accredit with General (Internal) Medicine (GIM). It is offered as a dual Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) specialty in Wessex, alongside Cardiology, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Genitourinary Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Palliative care, Renal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, or Rheumatology.

Regardless of pathway, comprehensive training is offered at a range of teaching and district general hospitals within Wessex. This will equip you with the skillset to deliver high quality general medical care for patients with multiple, unrelated, complex acute and chronic conditions both at the front door and downstream. Ability to deliver excellent GIM care is becoming increasingly important, as patient demographics change and is highly rewarding.


  • Excellent experience in managing the unselected medical on-call, is available throughout the region.
  • There is a comprehensive programme of training days arranged throughout the year covering the GIM curriculum.
  • Simulation training available.
  • Extensive range of leadership, management and education opportunities and CPD courses are available locally and at NHS England (Wessex).
  • NHS England (Wessex) offers an outstanding Professional Support and Wellbeing Service and Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT).

Single accreditation programme

We have 8 training posts available on the Single Accreditation Programme. UHSFT and Portsmouth Hospitals both have dedicated general internal medicine wards/base units, run by substantive consultants, all with extensive Acute and General Medicine experience and a strong commitment to education. All sites have strong multidisciplinary working and acute medical take experience. Wider opportunities are available and tailored to individual need/interest. Examples include, attachments in SDEC, palliative care, respiratory, infectious diseases and a variety of outpatient clinics enabling you to reach your curriculum competencies and wider goals. These are supported by a commitment to management, leadership and educational experience. Please see sites below for more information.


Please see links above for individual site information

Rotation Model:

Training Posts at each Site – total 8 posts

Successful applicants will be considered for rotation between sites.  Trainee circumstances and training needs will always be considered in rotational posts across the region.  The management of the programme follows NHS England policies.

For further information

Please refer to the JRCPTB GIM webpage or contact Co-TPD GIM Dr Kate Akester