Psychotherapy Competencies for Core Psychiatry Training

Core Training Psychotherapy

We encourage trainees to engage with Psychotherapy training early on in Core Psychiatry programme including finding out about opportunities for taking on training patients in the local area. Our dedicated psychotherapy tutor will support trainees alongside thier local tutor.

Theoretical Teaching

Trainees are required to attend the Wessex Psychotherapy Academic Programme throughout their core training. The programme involves one afternoon every fortnight of protected psychotherapy teaching time. There are two separate, yearly rolling programmes of three terms per year, one programme throughout CT1 training and another during CT2/3 training

This academic training covers the majority of the major psychotherapy modalities and links closely with the opportunity to take on supervised psychotherapy training cases. 

Case Based Discussion Group (CBDG)

Each trainee is required to attend a CBDG for at least the first two years of core training. Trainees must attend a minimum of 30 sessions in that time.

In Wessex it is generally expected that trainees will continue to attend a CBDG throughout core training as psychologically informed reflective practice is fundamental to good psychiatric practice.

Trainees are expected to complete a CBDG assessment after each six months attendance at the group.

Psychotherapy Training Cases

Within Wessex we offer the opportunity to gain practical experience in a wide range of psychotherapy training experiences including, CBT, CAT, Psychodynamic Therapy,  DBT, systemic therapy, group work, motivational interviewing, EMDR, mindfulness as well as a range of second and third wave CBT based therapies including ACT. If there are any queries with regards to the suitability of a particular modality to comply as a training case the psychotherapy tutor will advise.

Each trainee is required to undertake a minimum of two psychotherapy cases, one long case, one short case within Core training, each of different durations and in different modalities.

The long case:

This consists of seeing a patient for 20 or more sessions. There is some flexibility in number of sessions, depending on modality, in consultation with your clinical supervisor and the psychotherapy tutor.

The short case:

This consists of seeing a patient for two – 20 sessions.

There is a requirement for two formative assessment (SAPE) and a summative assessment (PACE) for each of the training cases.

Getting started, Help and support

Each area has a Psychotherapy co-ordinator who is the person to contact to arrange training cases.