Stage 3 Training

Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA) Guide to Higher Training

Stage 3 is the final 2 years of the Anaesthetic training Programme i.e. ST6 and ST7. Stage 3 is started after Stage 2 has been successfully completed.

There are two aspects to Stage 3 – The first is a ‘general’ duties period during which the core aim is greater autonomy of practice. This will often be undertaken in a ‘smaller’ unit. The second is a period focused on a Special Interest Area (SIA).

Each is 12 months in duration and the order is not fixed and may indeed be blended e.g. 6m SIA, 6 general etc.

The organisation of modules is dependent on your chosen SIA, requirements for meeting the learning outcomes for all domains for Stage 3, and future career plans.

Special Interest Areas (SIAs)

SIAs are offered in many specialist areas – see our Wessex School of Anaesthesia SIA Plan. If oversubscribed they are allocated competitively within the School.

In order to ensure we can deliver your specific training requirements please plan early and liaise with the local College Tutors and TPD regarding SIA plans. We will be asking Doctors in Training (DiT) at annual Education Review / ARCPs with the TPD. The TPD is more than happy to discuss individual training programmes at any time.

Training Regions

DiT will rotate through a number of hospitals within Wessex during ST6-7 training, as detailed in the Stage 2 training section of this website.

More details about the eight departments involved and which units of training can be achieved in each can be found in our Hospital Guide.

Out of Programme Training (OOPT)

Up to one year of OOPT is supported during the ST5-7 years.

Read about some of our previous DiT OOP experiences here.

PHEM Training

PHEM training is available in Wessex and is recruited through a national recruitment process consisting of 12 months whole time equivalent during ST6 or above. Our programme is a blended/combined training programme.

Post Fellowship of Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) teaching

Post FRCA Teaching Days are run five times a year. They are designed to cover both the clinical and non-clinical teaching required by the RCoA curriculum. They are delivered by all departments within Wessex on a rotation system. The mornings consist of clinical and the afternoons of non-clinical lectures.

Although the Post FRCA programme is co-ordinated by a team of DiT, the organisation of each day is delivered by DiT within the relevant NHS trust. It is expected that Post Fellowship DiT will attend the majority of these days.

Final ARCP and CCT

Following a final ARCP the School will notify the RCoA they are eligible to apply for entry onto the Specialist Register with a CCT. The GMC will then invite the DiT to make an application roughly four months before their completion of training date.

Please note that the award of a CCT and inclusion on the Specialist Register are not automatic procedures. A DiT will be required to apply for a CCT or CESR(CP) certificate.

Details of the Specialist Register application process can be found on the RCoA website. You will also find the Notification of Completion of Training form which you will need to bring to your Final ARCP, with training date completed.