Sepsis Projects

Please see below HEE Wessex funded Quality Improvement work relating to the treatment of Sepsis.

Improving the management of Sepsis by the simple use of a mnemonic on the surgical wards

Summary: This project was part of the already existing larger scheme of work in this area, 
aimed at trying to target the delay in the administration of the antibiotics, focussing on the surgical wards. The project was looking at increasing the effectiveness and timeliness of the administration of Antibiotics in the management of sepsis with the initiation of the mnemonic  A-B-C; followed by SEPSIS. This is for Airway/ Breathing/Circulation followed by:  

Site a venflon 

Extract bloods for Routine bloods, Cultures, Group and Save, ABG including Lactate 

Prescribe and give Antibiotics and ensure it’s on JAC 

Start IV fluids 

Indwelling catheter, if U.O. is a concern 

Step up care, with senior involvement 

Author: Dr Gayatri Daniel, Associate Specialist – Anaesthetics, HHFT, SAS QI Fellowship, 2016-17