SuppoRTT Events

Please see below all current upcoming SRTT events for 2024.To register, please click on the event link. Please note that you will receive a Microsoft Teams link closer to the time of the event.

High Intensity Productivity (HIP) Seminar – Tuesday 2nd July 2024 10AM – 12PM
This discussion seminar will support you to make the most of short periods of study and research time. You will work to create a personalised plan of action combining High Intensity Productivity (HIP) with focused goal setting. The session considers the biggest reasons for procrastination. You will learn how to break larger research, teaching, admin and study activities in to manageable and achievable tasks. The session benefits from integrated protected self-development time to trial the tools learned in the session. There is also the opportunity to reflect on how you will implement your learning in order to make the most of future opportunities and avoid procrastination.

Cross Specialty Return to Training Event – Wednesday 3rd July 2024 10AM – 1PM
This webinar will offer practical tips on managing your return to training and the opportunity to network with other returning trainees and the SuppoRTT team.

Imposter Syndrome Webinar – Tuesday 10th September 2024 10AM – 12PM
‘Imposter phenomenon’, also known as ‘imposter syndrome’ and ‘imposterism’, is a psychological occurrence where people doubt their skills, abilities or achievements and have an internalised fear of being exposed as frauds. Despite external evidence to the contrary, those experiencing this phenomenon do not believe they are deserving of their success or position.

Cross Specialty Return to Training Event – Wednesday 11th September 2024 10AM – 1PM
This webinar will offer practical tips on managing your return to training and the opportunity to network with other returning trainees and the SuppoRTT team.

GP Return to Training Course – Tuesday 1st October 2024 09.30AM – 4PM
This full day virtual workshop will provide training, eportfolio and clinical updates, a sessions with a careers coach, a chance to refresh your consultation skills and plenty of time to build up peer support to aid in your journey back to work.

Professional Development Coaching

As a trainee returning to training, you are able to access up to three sessions of professional development coaching to support your return. If you would like to book a coaching session, you must first complete your ‘Return to Training’ initial return meeting with your Educational Supervisor. After this meeting you can email and we can put you in touch with one of the SuppoRTT coaches.