RCoA Training Days

Post Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) Regional Teaching Days

In accordance with the Wessex commitment to teaching and education, senior trainees and Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) who have successfully completed the FRCA are invited to attend Post-Fellowship teaching around the region. This teaching has the entire support of the local office with particular attention from Dr Jon Chambers.

The style and format of the day is aimed at enabling trainees to transition and develop personally and professionally, preparing them for example for senior supervision or managerial roles, quality/service improvement, Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)/ Curriculum Vitae (CV) preparation and consultant interviews

There are six days per year which are rotated between trusts, and where possible avoid clashes with national holidays, prominent local and national courses and examination dates.

Trainees are expected to attend a minimum of 3 days per year, ideally more.


  • The post FRCA teaching committee oversee and facilitate the provision of teaching. They can be contacted via postfrcateaching@gmail.com
  • Organisation locally is provided by a senior trainee and respective college tutor at each site.
  • Dates will be published by email from the post-FRCA teaching committee, via trainee Whatsapp groups, and in Wessex Deanery Newsletters, as well as at the bottom of this page.
  • Any trainee who has recently passed their FRCA should contact the committee to ensure they are added to the relevant Whatsapp group.


  • 1/2 day clinical topics relevant to the senior anaesthetic trainee
  • 1/2 day non-clinical topics including professionalism, NHS structures, NHS management, clinical governance, roles and responsibilities of the new consultant, quality improvement and patient safety.
  •  Topics are rotated to avoid repetition and are aimed at both higher/advanced level training and the areas of the curriculum which are hard to cover in other ways, for example Annexe G.
  • Ideas for topics and speakers are encouraged from trainees, as are trainee presentations. Any suggestions are welcomed and can be emailed to the post-FRCA teaching committee.

Study Leave:

  • It is the responsibility of the trainee to book study leave for these dates.
  • Trainees should book study leave for these dates as soon as possible
  • This can be internal study leave even if the event it not being held in the hospital where the trainee is currently working. Alternatively it can be external study leave if the trainee wishes to use their internal study leave for other things such as teaching/projects.
  • Any trainee struggling to get study leave for one of these dates is advised to contact their college tutor as soon as possible as they can often solve this problem.

2024 POST-FRCA proposed teaching dates and topics:

UHD: Thursday 11th January 2024

Dorchester: Monday 18th March 2024

HHFT: Monday 6th May 2024

Portsmouth: Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Salisbury: Friday 27th September 2024

Southampton: Tuesday 12th November 2024