About the school

The Wessex School of Emergency Medicine is committed to delivering the highest quality of training across the breadth of emergency care. We work with all clinical staff to improve the experience of working in Wessex.

The School is multi-professional and (as we do clinically) we work together with nursing and pre-hospital colleagues to develop our training programmes. Doctors are represented on the School Board from all stages of training to make sure that the views of trainees influence the development of our programmes. We provide excellent support for all trainees to enable them to reach their potential and achieve the best results possible for Acute Care Common Stem and Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine exams.

The School is part of the Wessex Emergency Taskforce – an expert group of doctors, paramedics and nurses who work to create innovative solutions to provide excellent emergency care for patients across the region. 

Training staff together, using shared core values and standards bring the team far closer together and we see that it makes the team more effective.

Training Locations

Emergency Medicine is a six-year training programme, which begins with ACCS and is followed by one year at ST3 focusing on Paediatrics and muscular skeletal Emergency Medicine, and ends with three years of Higher Specialist Training.

Excellent training is provided in the major trauma centre, as well as large and small DGHs covering both urban and rural populations where trainees will be exposed to a broad range of pathologies, which we believe offers the most rounded training opportunities.