Masterclass – The New Consultant: Preparing for Interview and Future Practice

Feedback from newly qualified Wessex Consultants reveal that the job is totally different from what they expected, with the non-clinical aspect being the greatest shock.

This masterclass covers the practical elements of becoming a Wessex Consultant, including; overview of what CEO/MD and Trusts want from consultants, the grey area between senior trainees and new consultants, and things to think about as a new consultant – contract, job planning, team working, relationships, private practice, CIA (Clinical Impact Awards) and appraisals.

  • Duration: 1 day
  • Delivery: Face-to-face or virtual
  • Methods: Talks with plenty of opportunity for interaction and interview practice in small groups
  • Pre-event preparation: None
  • Post-event work: None

Please click the links below for more information about this masterclass:

Who can attend

– Wessex Training grade doctors (with a maximum of 2 years before CCT)
– Wessex SAS/Specialty doctors

If you do not meet the target audience criteria but have additional experience that you feel would be appropriate for you to attend this course, please contact us.

Aims and learning outcomes


– Gain some knowledge and insight about the transition from trainee to consultant practice
– Provide delegates with an overview of Trust expectations from a consultant
– How to negotiate the consultant contract and job planning
– Explain the interview and selection process, panel members and who has influence.
– Improving interview performance

Learning outcomes:

Having attended this masterclass, delegates will be able to:

– Understand what Trusts expect from consultants
– Know about changes in responsibility and behaviour as a new consultant
– Be familiar with the consultant contract
– Be more prepared for the consultant interview

Associated GMC Generic Professional Capabilities (GPC)

Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours
– Managing time and resources effectively

Domain 2: Professional Skills (Communication and interpersonal skills)
– Establishing an effective and respectful doctor-patient partnership with the ability to demonstrate empathy and compassion
– Demonstrating cultural and social awareness
– Maintaining appropriate situational awareness and sensitivity to the impact of their comments and behaviours on others

Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and team working
– Demonstrating an understanding of why leadership and team- working is important in their role as a clinician
– Showing awareness of their leadership responsibilities as a clinician and why effective clinical leadership is central to safe and effective care
– Supervising, challenging, influencing, appraising and mentoring colleagues and peers to enhance performance and to support development

Faculty biography

Peter Brennan

Peter is a consultant surgeon in Portsmouth with 15+ years’ experience. He is committed to training and education, written several textbooks and a major role in surgical exams. Peter has sat on many interview panels and helped colleagues across many specialties in career development

Steve Wadams

Steve is a consultant general paediatrician in University Hospital Dorset with 13 years’ experience. He is a qualified NHS Coach, member of the RCPCH college Paediatrician in Medical Management (PiMM) committee and has been a Clinical Director Child Health at his local Trust for a period of 6 years. Steve has interviewed for consultant and other senior NHS posts.


– Wessex training grade doctors and Wessex SAS/Specialty grade doctors are funded by Wessex, so no study leave claims will be necessary for course fees.
– Other delegates are required to pay a nominal fee.

Cancellation penalties may apply. Please refer to the Accent Course Manager Cancellation and Refund Policy.

If you wish to book onto a course or review dates, please use the link below.

If you have not yet registered as a user with the Accent Course Manager (ACM) system, you will be required to do so before booking your place.