Gaining approval as a Primary Care Network Learning Environment

Please note these webpages are under development, please refer back for updates.

As part of the core deliverables of the Primary Care Network (PCN) Learning Environment Approval project, PCNs will seek approval / verification as a Learning Environment. This will allow identified organisations within the PCN to host students / learners across multiple sites.

Approval form for Primary Care Network Learning Environments

The approval form enables you to demonstrate your PCN meets the required educational quality measures (mapped to the standards in the Health Education England Quality Framework (2021)). The form includes:

– PCN organisational details
– self-assessment of the educational quality of the Learning Environment

To seek approval / verification as a PCN-wide Learning Environment, you are required to:

– complete the ‘approval form for PCN Learning Environments’
– engage with your Learning Environment Lead (LEL), Training Hub Programme Director (THPD) or Learning Environment Facilitator (LEF) to prepare your submission
– proceed to the ‘booking a verification panel’ process steps

Each PCN submits one approval form. You will therefore need to decide who takes responsibility for completing the form.

For an in-depth guide to the approval / verification process, including who to contact for support, please refer to the Flowchart for Primary Care Network Learning Environment approval [PDF, size: 127 KB].

General areas

– identify how your evidence within each quality domain links back to the student / learner
– whilst references to GP trainees / medical students are useful for us to understand your PCNs history in supporting learners, ensure that the evidence provided is linked back to support of wider workforce students / learners
– identify career progression opportunities for your students / learners (domain 3)
– when referencing how your PCN addresses concerns, please used balanced (positive and negative) examples
– include examples of interprofessional learning
– include areas of good practice identified across your PCN

Key points to include

– it is good practice to meet with local university faculties to support student / learner placements, particularly when your PCN is establishing new learner pathways. The panel will look at how you plan to / already engage with HEIs
– refer to the supernumerary status of pre-registration learners
– reference how you link in with HEI escalation processes when supporting learners. All HEIs have collaborative processes for their placement partners to do this

If you any have questions, at any stage of the approval / verification process, please email:

Booking a verification panel

The PCN Learning Environment verification panel is the mechanism to determine whether there is sufficient, good quality evidence within your approval form, to demonstrate your PCN meets the required educational quality measures (mapped to the standards in the Health Education England Quality Framework (2021)).

To book on to a PCN Learning Environment verification panel, you are required to:

– complete the ‘process for Learning Environment approval / verification’ process steps
– email to confirm your preferred panel date
– submit the final approval document four weeks before panel

A maximum of three spaces are available for each verification panel, which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If your PCN does not submit the completed approval paperwork four weeks prior to panel, your space may be reallocated.

For an in-depth guide to the approval / verification process, including who to contact for support, please refer to the Flowchart for Primary Care Network Learning Environment approval [PDF, size: 127 KB].

An outcome is collectively awarded during panel, and will be shared with your team and local Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). The possible outcomes are:

– approved as a Primary Care Network Learning Environment
– approved as a Primary Care Network Learning Environment with actions
– not approved as a Primary Care Network Learning Environment

Approval outcome decisions are based on information provided in the approval form, and informed by discussions at verification panel.

PCN multi-professional education teams will be represented by the relevant TVW PCS LEL, THPD or LEF, who may provide further context to support decision making.

PCNs not approved as Learning Environments

If your PCN is not approved as a Learning Environment, you will receive detailed feedback and support from your TVW PCS LEL, THPD or LEF to address areas of insufficient evidence identified in the initial approval document.

Once re-submitted, the approval form will be subject to a chair review, to ensure quality domains that were previously not / not fully met have been developed further, or have appropriate action plans in place. This may happen outside of the monthly verification panel cycle.

Verification panel dates

Date of verification panelDeadline for PCN submissionDeadline for PCN outcomeAvailability on panel
Thur 18 JulyThur 20 JuneThur 1 AugustFully booked
Thur 22 AugustThur 25 JulyThur 5 SeptemberFully booked
Thur 5 SeptemberThur 8 AugustThur 19 September1 space
Thur 19 SeptemberThur 22 AugustThur 3 October1 space
Thur 17 OctoberThur 19 SeptemberThur 31 October3 spaces
Thur 24 OctoberThur 26 SeptemberThur 7 November3 spaces
Tues 12 NovemberTues 15 OctoberTues 26 November3 spaces
Tues 26 NovemberTues 29 OctoberTues 10 December3 spaces
Thur 5 DecemberThur 7 NovemberTBC3 spaces
Thurs 12 DecemberThur 14 NovemberTBC3 spaces

Next steps following approval as a PCN Learning Environment

Once your PCN is approved / verified as a Learning Environment, our team can offer advice and support you to develop a high-quality, sustainable Learning Environment.

They can also help you understand the range of student / learners in Primary Care.

Next steps may include:

– developing existing or innovative structures for supervision
– developing new integrated, interprofessional pathways for learning
– expanding student / learner placements
– expanding training sites, to include additional practices or community settings
– generating sustainable income through tariff to maintain the PCN multi-professional education team (case study examples available)
– introducing new professions of students / learners
– standardising governance across the PCN
– workforce and supervisor mapping

The Learning Environment Leads work with local Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to facilitate student / learner placements in Primary Care. Student / learner placements are based on mutual agreement, and you can can accept or decline placement requests.

If you would like to know more about any of these areas, please email to arrange a conversation with one of our LELs, THPDs or LEFs.