General Practice


GP Training in NHS England Wessex

Please see the General Practice National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) website for the GP Recruitment Timetable and processes.

Local Programme Information

General Practice and Public Health Dual Certificate of Completion of Training Programme – Pilot

The Wessex GP training programme will be taking part in the General Practice and Public Health Dual CCT training programme from August 2024. Full details can be found on the GP National Recruitment Office website.

Additional local programme information is available on our Patch Offices websites:

Information about specialty recruitment in NHS England Wessex is available on our applicant guidance page.

Opportunities In Wessex

There are opportunities to participate in the Improving Global Health programme with overseas placements working on projects in Africa and Asia.

TERS places in England will not be available for programmes starting August 2025.

The Southampton with Jersey programme consists of the first year in hospital posts on Jersey in the Channel Islands, followed by two years in hospital and general practice placements in the Southampton programme area on the mainland.

Trainees will also have the opportunity to stay on Jersey for the second year of their training programme with a further six month hospital post and six months in a GP surgery on Jersey. The ST3 year will be in an NHS GP training practice in the Southampton area.

Maternity Leave for trainees on Jersey

For any trainees who rotate or are placed on Jersey for the duration of their training and are planning to take a period of maternity leave, it will be stipulated in your contract that it will be paid in line with the Government of Jersey Maternity Policy.

Please refer any queries directly to your employing Trust regarding maternity leave and pay.

Offer Details – Rounds One and Two (2023)

Total number of posts for 2023

GP ST1 – 176 posts available

GP Academic Clinical Fellow – 1 post

Successful candidates will be asked to rank available programmes on Oriel in order of preference. Allocations to a training location will be made on the basis of candidates’ overall recruitment scores and their preferences. Individual allocations to available rotations will be made by the local Programme Directors once an offer has been accepted.

Important Notice for Applicants

It is the policy of the NHS England Wessex local office to write to the candidate’s referees and to the GMC Fitness to Practise Panel if acceptance for training is withdrawn without good reason less than four weeks before the post start dates in August and February.

In a number of cases that have been referred, the GMC have issued a formal warning to the doctor.

“This conduct does not meet the standards required of a doctor. It risks bringing the profession into disrepute and must not be repeated. The required standards are set out in Good Medical Practice and associated guidance. In this case, paragraph 49 of Good Medical practice is particularly relevant: ‘Patient care may be compromised if there is not sufficient medical cover. Therefore, you must take up any post, including a locum post, you have formally accepted, and you must work your contractual notice period, unless your employer has reasonable time to make other arrangements.

Whilst this failing in itself is not so serious as to require any restriction on registration, it is necessary in response to issue a formal warning.”


For GP contact information please see our General Practice Contacts page.