Appeal of ARCP Outcomes

When a doctor in training is awarded an ARCP outcome 3, 4 or 10.2, they have the right to appeal the process that led to this decision

An appeal is a procedure whereby the decision is considered by a new panel who have not reviewed the evidence before.

The Postgraduate Dean will normally arrange for a review of the original decision to take place as the first step of the appeal process.

Where the review process does not alter the decision or the panel modify the original recommendation from an outcome 4 to an outcome 3, the Postgraduate Dean will ask the doctor in training whether they wish to proceed to an appeal hearing.

The appeal hearing will normally take place within 30 working days of the appeal request, although in exceptional circumstances this can be delayed.

When setting the date for a formal appeal hearing availability will be sought from the doctor in training (and their representative if applicable) and the postgraduate school representative(s).