NHSE South East – Relocation Expenses and Excess Travel

Applies to Doctors & Dentists in Postgraduate Training in Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Thames Valley and Wessex

The current framework for the payment of relocation and excess mileage expenses for doctors and dentists in postgraduate training came into effect in 2020 and was developed in conjunction with the BMA.

Claims for relocation or excess mileage expenses are managed and processed by employing trusts. Please read the guidance below, and then contact your employing Trust with any further questions about relocation and excess travel in the first instance. Expenses claims must ordinarily be submitted to the Trust within three months of the expenditure being incurred. The maximum sum available is £10,000 for up to 8 years reckonable service in any approved NHSE training programme, and this is not proportioned for trainees working Less Than Full Time.

The steps involved in applying and claiming associated expenses for those training in the South East (comprising Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Thames Valley and Wessex) are detailed below:


Please follow these steps to apply for Relocation Expenses, Removals, Continuing Commitments, Excess Mileage:

Step 1 – Confirming Eligibility

Please review the following information as appropriate to help you to determine your likely eligibility:

1. Flowcharts. The following flowcharts can be used by employers and individual doctors/dentists in training to help to determine eligibility:

2. A-Z covering topics and circumstances relating to Relocation Expenses and Excess Travel.

3. National Framework: Relocation and Travel Expenses – Arrangements for Doctors & Dentists in Training & Public Health Trainees.

4. NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook – includes rates of reimbursement.

Step 2 – Complete and submit Eligibility Form to your Employer

1. Complete and save the Eligibility form (electronically is fine).

2. Submit the form to your respective Trust via the email listed under Employer & NHSE Contact Details

Step 3 – Wait to receive a formal decision on your application


You will be written to once your eligibility form has been reviewed and your eligibility decided. Note that your request may be approved, part-approved or rejected, or it may be decided that you are eligible for a different rate or type of claim than you had expected. If you wish to appeal against a decision then please follow the guidance provided under “Appeals Process” on the A-Z.


As long as you have submitted the Eligibility Form in advance and allowed sufficient time for a review, you should receive a clear summary of what entitlements have been approved in principle prior to undertaking the associated Relocation or Travel expense activity.


Claiming for Relocation Expenses, Removals, Continuing Commitments, Excess Mileage or Temporary Accommodation

Once pre-approved expenditure has been incurred, the claims are managed and processed by employing trusts. Expenses claims must be submitted to the Trust within three months of the expenditure being incurred. Please ensure you include all supporting receipts/proof of expense when claiming. There is no requirement for the employer to accept responsibility for expenses incurred if the trainee does not confirm eligibility for reimbursement in advance.

The process for claiming will vary depending on the nature of the expense being claimed and your employing Trust, so please follow your employer’s local process for submitting your claim. The contact details for Trust Relocation teams are available here: Employer & NHSE Contact Details.

For Trusts who use the NHSE South East Excess Mileage Claim Forms, the 2 versions are here:

Further Assistance

If you need any assistance at any stage, please contact your corresponding Trust initially via the respective Employer & NHSE Contact Details.