
We provide a number of simulation courses for O&G in Wessex to support the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) curriculum.

As well as regular PROMPT (Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) training days being run for every training level at every hospital in Wessex, we have a number of other days on offer.

We run the following regular deanery teaching/training days for all training levels:

  1. Obstetric emergencies day. This includes simulations in the SIM suite and small group practicals, covering emergencies not routinely covered by PROMPT.
  2. Gynae simulation day. This includes gynae emergency simulations in the SIM suite, as well as hands on practice of minor gynae procedures.
  3. Ethicon laparoscopic simulation day. This day currently runs twice yearly, teaching hands-on laparoscopic gynaecology skills and procedures from salpingectomy to hysterectomy.

These simulation days are also run for the relevant appropriate training level:

  1. SIM’n’Social for new ST1s and 2s
  2. Basic practical skills course (ST1-2)
  3. Step-up course (for ST2s moving to ST3)
  4. ROBuST (RCOG Operative Birth Simulation Training) for ST3 level
  5. 3rd degree tear repair course
  6. Basic ultrasound course

There are also days and sessions which run ‘in house’ at certain hospitals, for example the ‘GEMs’ Gynae emergencies day at QA. Reps are also regularly invited to hospitals depending on local training needs.

We include simulations on other teaching days where appropriate, and recently ran the ICONs (Informed consent: Sharing the Decision) training day, involving patient role-play simulations.

We also have laparoscopic box trainers which are given to trainees to use and practice on at home, with a supporting WhatsApp group with suggestions of exercises.

We are bringing in new days and ideas all the time and always invite feedback and suggestions from trainees.

The Wessex O&G Simulation Team – Ellie Carlisle and Harriet Welch, O&G simulation fellows – contact us on