Employer Contact Details – Relocation and Travel Expenses – NHSE South East

The Contact details for your Trust, including the email address to which you should submit your Eligibility Form and any queries are listed below. If your Trust has any special arrangements regarding the process for applying for Relocation and Travel Expenses, these will also be captured below. But for most employers, the central guidance on the South East Relocation webpage will apply.

Kent, Surrey & Sussex

Employing TrustRelocation Email Address
Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trustnabeelhussain@nhs.net
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trustn.tizzard@nhs.net
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trustkentchft.workforce@nhs.net
Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Foundation Trust kmpt.medical.staffing@nhs.net
Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trustmtw-tr.medicalstaffing@nhs.net
Medway NHS Foundation Trustmedwayft.mftrelocation@nhs.net
Ashford & St. Peter’s Hospitals NHS TrustAsp-tr.medicalworkforce@nhs.net
FAO: Davina Sherriff.
Frimley Health NHS Foundation TrustPrimary Contact: shannen.creamer@nhs.net
Secondary Contact (during Shannen’s absence): deborah.wheeler4@nhs.net).
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS TrustLucy.parrish3@nhs.net
Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trustsusan.dikran@sabp.nhs.uk
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trustsash.mrt@nhs.net
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trustesht.relocationfordoctorsintraining@nhs.net
Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trusthelen.moore6@nhs.net
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trustnicola.goldsmith@nhs.net
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trustmedicalstaffing@spft.nhs.uk
University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust – Brighton and Haywards HeathWorthing and St Richards: uhsussex.medicalstaffing@nhs.net

Royal Sussex County Hospital and Princess Royal Hospital: uhsussex.medical.hr@nhs.net

NHS England contact details for KSS are:  england.relocationexpenses.kss@nhs.net

Thames Valley

Employing TrustEmail Address & Notes
Academic Doctors in Training – who only hold Honorary Trust contracts and are paid by University Of Oxford payrollContact 
england.relocationexpenses.tv@nhs.net for further guidance.
Berkshire Healthcare NHS FTCatherine.heather@berkshire.nhs.uk
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS TrustRelocationexpenses.HEE@uhb.nhs.uk
CNWL (Milton Keynes Mental Health)cnwl.mkmh-traineedoctors@nhs.net
Frimley Health NHS FT (Wexham Park)Primary Contact: shannen.creamer@nhs.net
Secondary Contact (during Shannen’s absence): deborah.wheeler4@nhs.net).
Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (Lead Employer for GP trainees)Refer to
Lead Employer webpages
Milton Keynes University NHS FTMedical.Staffing@mkuh.nhs.uk
Oxford Health NHS FTmedicalstaffing@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
Oxford University Hospitals NHS FTRelocationexpenses.HEE@uhb.nhs.uk
Royal Berkshire NHS FTMedical.Workforce@royalberkshire.nhs.uk
Other TrustsContact the individual Trust medical staffing team in the first instance. Trusts in the South West Region (e.g. Great Western).

NHS England contact details for Thames Valley are: england.relocationexpenses.tv@nhs.net


Employing TrustEmail Address & Notes
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trustawp.medicalrecruitment@nhs.net
Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trustrecruitment.medical@dchft.nhs.uk
Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trustdhc.medical.hr@nhs.net
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustKaren.mccarthy2@hhft.nhs.uk
Isle of Wight NHS Trustiownt.medicalhr@nhs.net FAO: Rebecca Palmer

Accommodation Rates:
Jersey Resident Doctor accommodation rates
Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trustpost.grad@porthosp.nhs.uk
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trustsft.medicalhr@nhs.net
Solent NHS Trustjuniordoctors@solent.nhs.uk
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trustshftrotacoordinator@southernhealth.nhs.uk
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trustmedicalhr@uhs.nhs.uk
University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust1st email Becky.Corby@uhd.nhs.uk
2nd email Julie.Mantell@uhd.nhs.uk

NHS England contact details for Wessex are: england.relocationexpenses.wx@nhs.net