A-Z – Relocation and Travel Expenses – NHSE South East

Applies to Doctors & Dentists in Postgraduate Training in Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Thames Valley and Wessex

A – Z

Accommodation costs in the framework refers to mortgage/rent on a new property, or reimbursement for the lower of either the monthly mortgage on the old property which is in the process of or has been sold. (Appendix 2 – Continuing Commitments).

Removal expenses for reimbursement include costs associated with (National Framework para. 47):

– Expenses during search for accommodation

– Expenses associated with house sale/purchase

– Continuing Commitments.

– Expenses on removal

Temporary Accommodation: Where daily travel distances are agreed to be excessive, alternative arrangements will need to be considered which address the needs of both the trainee and the service. This may include temporary accommodation expenses (subject to a maximum monthly allowance inclusive of one journey to and from home each week). (National Framework para. 39).

Expenses can be claimed for temporary accommodation where daily travel distances for a single placement are agreed to be excessive. Temporary accommodation expenses can be claimed subject to the regionally agreed maximum as set out in Appendices 1 and 2.

The accommodation rate to be used when searching for accommodation is set out in the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook (Section 18).

This expense and other expenses incurred in the search of new accommodation are set out in Appendix 2 of the relocation and travel framework and are included within the maximum sum allowance available

National Framework para 21 refers to any doctor in training outlined in the Armed Forces Covenant and their entitlement to reimbursement of eligible costs incurred by their military service. Any expenses paid to a trainee, which are related to military service, does not count towards an individual trainee’s £10,000 maximum allowance.

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated in relation to a claim, then you may appeal to the Postgraduate Dean. To submit an appeal please complete this Appeals Form setting out reasons for your appeal and include any relevant evidence. If you have any further questions please email the relevant email address:

Kent, Surrey & Sussex: england.relocationexpenses.kss@nhs.net

Thames Valley: england.relocationexpenses.tv@nhs.net

Wessex:                        england.relocationexpenses.wx@nhs.net 

Business insurance is required for any claims as per the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook (Section 17)

To be eligible for Continuing Commitments, a trainee is required to demonstrate that they are actively marketing their former property at a realistic price/are actively seeking suitable accommodation in the new area/have a valid reason why they cannot relocate immediately (e.g. partner’s employment, childcare, schooling, or elderly dependants.

Whilst the old property remains unsold, reasonable additional accommodation costs may be reimbursed.

Trainees who have not found suitable accommodation in the new area and who are in accommodation separated from their family due to not being able to relocate immediately may be reimbursed the travel costs of weekly visits either by the trainee to the family home or by immediate family to the trainee, at the reserve/PTR rate or standard rail fare for a maximum of 12 months.

Refer to Continuing Commitments in Appendix 2 in the relocation & travel framework.

Any reimbursements take effect from the border between England and the devolved nation. You would not be expected to take any costs, which were incurred in Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland, from your £10,000, only costs that were incurred from your point of entry into England, i.e. once the trainee has relocated into England continuation of the same maximum sum allowance applies.

There are no exceptional arrangements for the Republic of Ireland; relocation from here would fall under the rules for relocating from overseas.

Trainees on academic training programmes are eligible to claim relocation and excess travel expenses (National Framework para. 9). Where a trainee is employed by a Higher Education Institution they should liaise with the NHSE South East regional team regarding the process to submit claims.

When an employer requests a trainee to work away or outside the principal placement, it is the employer’s responsibility and is not part of the relocation and travel framework. Please see Section 17: Reimbursement of travel costs in the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.

The relocation framework provides examples of exceptional circumstances (National Framework para 19). If you have a situation where you find you require additional financial assistance, complete an Eligibility Form and fully outline your personal circumstances. A decision will be made by the Postgraduate Dean (or nominated deputy). There is no automatic extension to exceed the maximum sum allowance of £10,000.

17 miles is deemed to be a reasonable commute, therefore only mileage above 17 miles qualifies for excess mileage. 70 miles each way is normally used as the maximum safe daily commute for Relocation purposes. Therefore Excess Mileage claims should be limited to 53 paid miles each way per day (70 miles – 17 miles = 53 miles each way) (National Framework para. 38).

Trainees who wish to exceed these normal limits should discuss their personal position with the employer in the first instance as payment of excess mileage claims should not be agreed where travel, in the judgement of the employer and following agreement with NHSE, is likely to be detrimental to the safety of the trainee, and/or to the satisfactory performance of the trainee’s duties/where patient safety will be affected (National Framework para. 37/38).

Where daily travel distances are agreed to be excessive, alternative arrangements will need to be considered which address the needs of both the trainee and the service (National Framework para. 39).

Provided a trainee is eligible, they can claim excess mileage when their home to place of work is more than 17 miles each way (National Framework para. 18). 17 miles is deemed to be a reasonable commute, therefore only mileage above 17 miles qualifies for excess mileage. 70 miles each way is normally used as the maximum safe daily commute for Relocation purposes. Therefore Excess Mileage claims should be limited to 53 paid miles each way per day (70 miles – 17 miles = 53 miles each way), (National Framework para. 38).

Trainees appointed to single-site training programmes are not eligible to claim excess mileage as they are expected to live within a reasonable commute (within 17 miles) of their place of work (National Framework para. 31).

The government states that a first-time buyer is defined as an individual or individuals who have never owned an interest in a residential property in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world and intends to occupy the property as their main residence: The government states that a first-time buyer is defined as an individual or individuals who have never owned an interest in a residential property in the United Kingdom or anywhere else in the world and intends to occupy the property as their main residence: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/stamp-duty-land-tax-relief-for-first-time-buyers/stamp-duty-land-tax-relief-for-first-time-buyers.

Therefore, a trainee who has previously owned and sold a property and then relocates would not be considered a first-time buyer.

House purchase costs will not be reimbursed to first time buyers or applicants whose existing property is not being sold (National Framework para. 27).

House purchase costs will not be reimbursed to first time buyers or to applicants where an existing property is not being sold.

The relocation and travel framework only refers to a £500 cap for those buying their first property or moving from one rental to another. This will cover costs of removal of furniture and effects. Expenses relating to search for accommodation is in addition to the £500 (National Framework para. 26/47).

Trainees selling and buying in another region can claim relocation and excess mileage within the maximum sum allowance of £10,000. (National Framework para. 13).

The Relocation Framework applies to GPs trainees working within a Trust as per other doctors in training.

For GP Trainees who are working in a GP practice setting, who are required to use their own vehicle on the expectation that home visits may be required to be undertaken – and the home visit is recorded on their work schedule – they can claim for the mileage of their return journey from home to their principal place of work (known as GP Home to Base).  GP Home to Base (which is different to Excess Mileage) is not claimed via the relocation process or taken from the individual’s relocation funding maximum sum allowance. Further details around eligibility for GP Home to Base and the claim process can be found here and in the NHS Employers Doctors and Dentists in training terms and conditions (England) 2016.

If, on days the GP does not claim GP Home to Base, the doctor’s commute is over 17 miles each way from home to base, they could be entitled to Excess Mileage payments and should review and follow the standard (NHSE South East – Relocation Expenses and Excess) Travel guidance before submitting an eligibility form.  They cannot claim GP Home to Base and Excess travel for the same day’s journeys.

A GRID doctor living within or outside the region and commuting in excess of 17 miles can claim excess mileage. 70 miles each way is normally used as the maximum safe daily commute for Relocation purposes. Therefore Excess Mileage claims should be limited to 53 paid miles each way per day (70 miles – 17 miles = 53 miles each way) (National Framework para. 38).

However, it is recognised that regional geographies and travel systems, as well as individual circumstances, will vary and therefore trainees, who wish to exceed these limits, should discuss their personal position with the employer in the first instance (National Framework para. 38)

As a result of an inter-deanery transfer, reimbursement for eligible relocation and associated expenses, including excess mileage, can be claimed for a move up to the maximum residual sum available against their total allowance £10,000 during their training period (National Framework para. 13).

To be eligible for removal expenses, a trainee should relocate their primary residence at least 30 miles from their old residence or/at least one hour’s travel time in normal traffic and live within a ‘reasonable commute’ of the majority of the anticipated prospective hospitals/placements on their training programme (National Framework para. 22).

Excess mileage expenses are payable at the reserve/PTR rate and incurred as a result of rotation when their home to place of work is more than 17 miles each way (National Framework para. 31). 17 miles is deemed to be a reasonable commute, therefore only mileage above 17 miles qualifies for Excess Mileage, up to a maximum of 70 miles (53 Excess miles) each way.

Included and excluded expenses for reimbursement are set out in Appendix 2 of the National Framework.

Eligibility for temporary accommodation expenses does not differ between full time and less than full time trainees in training. Please refer to paragraph 39 of the relocation and travel framework. If a less than full time trainee has exhausted their maximum sum allowance, they should refer to paragraph 14 of the framework to consider if they are eligible for additional financial assistance.

A trainee living outside the Region, who has a long commute considered to be their normal journey and is deemed acceptable and safe by their employer, may claim excess mileage reimbursement up to a maximum of 53 miles each way per day (ie. a total journey of 70 miles each way minus the 17 miles deemed to be a reasonable commute). (National Framework para. 38).

If the trainee identifies a day, or a run of days, where they would prefer to stay in temporary accommodation close to their place of work, in anticipation of working the next day rather than commuting back to their home, a claim for the excess mileage can be used to fund the cost of their accommodation for that night(s). A trainee cannot claim for both excess mileage and temporary accommodation for the same event. (National Framework para. 40).

It is recognised that each region has different geographies, economies, and travel systems and therefore there is some flexibility within each region to address this in terms of commuting times, toll charges, temporary accommodation, and public transport charges (Appendix 1 of the National Framework).

A trainee living within the Region, who has a long commute considered to be their normal journey and is deemed acceptable and safe by their employer, may claim excess mileage reimbursement up to a maximum of 53 miles each way per day (ie. a total journey of 70 miles each way minus the 17 miles deemed to be a reasonable commute). (National Framework para. 38).

If the trainee identifies a day, or a run of days, where they would prefer to stay in temporary accommodation close to their place of work, in anticipation of working the next day rather than commuting back to their home, a claim for the excess mileage can be used to fund the cost of their accommodation for that night(s). A trainee cannot claim for both excess mileage and temporary accommodation for the same event. (National Framework para. 40).

It is recognised that each region has different geographies, economies, and travel systems and therefore there is some flexibility within each region to address this in terms of commuting times, toll charges, temporary accommodation, and public transport charges (Appendix 1 of the National Framework).

A trainee who has a long commute considered to be their normal journey and is deemed acceptable and safe by their employer, may claim excess mileage reimbursement up to a maximum of 53 miles each way per day (ie. a total journey of 70 miles each way minus the 17 miles deemed to be a reasonable commute). (National Framework para 38).

Where daily travel distances are agreed to be excessive, alternative arrangements will need to be considered which address the needs of both the trainee and the service. This may include temporary accommodation expenses, and excess mileage is reimbursed up to the maximum of the equivalent excess mileage that would be available (National Framework para. 39).

If the trainee identifies a day, or a run of days, where they would prefer to stay in temporary accommodation close to their place of work, in anticipation of working the next day rather than commuting back to their home, a claim for the excess mileage can be used to fund the cost of their accommodation for that night(s). A trainee cannot claim for both excess mileage and temporary accommodation for the same event (National Framework para. 40).

It is recognised that each region has different geographies, economies, and travel systems and therefore there is some flexibility within each region to address this in terms of commuting times, toll charges, temporary accommodation, and public transport charges (Appendix 1 of the National Framework).

Reimbursement will be provided to the agreed maximum sum for all categories of expenses outlined in the Relocation and Travel Expenses framework, inclusive of all removal and associated expenses and excess mileage claims. The maximum sum is £10,000 for the entire period of postgraduate training and is not proportioned for trainees working Less Than Full Time (National Framework para. 13). A trainee is unable to reset the maximum allowance whilst moving from region to region as it is based upon an assumption of 8 years’ reckonable service in any approved NHSE training programme.Trainees who exceed 8 years reckonable service in any approved NHSE training programme (for example, trainees whose CCT is awarded after completion of ST7/8 and trainees working Less Than Full Time) and who have exhausted the £10,000 maximum allowance will be entitled to continue to claim for excess mileage and/or removal expenses (National Framework para. 14).

The relocation and travel framework provides for trainees moving from rented-to-rented accommodation up to a maximum sum of £500 for the cost of removal of furniture and effects, and for expenses relating to a search for accommodation. It does not cover storage costs (National Framework para. 26).

Trainees who are deemed to be out of programme (OOP) will not be eligible to claim relocation expenses, temporary accommodation, or excess mileage payments whilst they are out of programme but may claim expenses to support them returning to their training programme (National Framework para. 10).

The exception to this is trainees on approved OOPT (Out of Programme for Training) experience, who would be eligible, and should contact the medical staffing team at the Trust employing them during their OOPT placement.

Provided trainees meet the criteria to relocate to take up appointment of a training post which lasts a minimum of two years or who have to rotate to different geographical areas as part of their training programme, they may make a claim. Therefore, if the training programme is less than 2 years and there is no requirement to relocate to different geographical areas, then you are not eligible.The framework states all removal and associated expenses will be reimbursed from UK port of entry only, with the exception of the Isle of Man and Jersey for those trainees appointed to a training programme which includes one or more rotations to these locations. (National Framework para 24). There are no exceptional arrangements for the Republic of Ireland; relocation from here would fall under the rules for relocating from overseas.

The relocation framework refers to the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, where only mileage expenses are reimbursable in respect of excess travel (i.e there is no entitlement to reimbursement for parking charges), (National Framework para. 34).

NHSE has a national framework called Relocation and Travel Expenses – Arrangements for Doctors & Dentists in Training & Public Health Trainees

The trainee’s employer is responsible for implementing the framework and administering claims; therefore, a trainee should liaise with their employer when making a claim.

This framework only applies to England. If you are working in a devolved nation, please follow their national policy.

Where a trainee undertakes an NHSE short placement to gain a competence or capability that is not available locally, and the distance is above 17 miles, then the trainee is eligible for expenses for excess travel, and/or temporary accommodation as appropriate. (National Framework para.16/18).

However, if a trainee is required to undertake a course by their employer, then the trainee should discuss with their employer, what arrangements there are to undertake such a placement, including the financial assistance available which is not covered by the relocation framework

The Postgraduate Dean can apply discretion when reviewing any requests, especially where exceptional circumstances are raised.

A trainee using public transport, or a taxi for journeys, can claim expenses based on the equivalent excess mileage at the reserve/PTR rate (National Framework para. 31/35) as per the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook.Where a trainee is using public transport for journeys incurred as a result of a rotation or when their home to place of work is more than 17 miles each way (National Framework para. 32) mileage costs may be paid under these circumstances to the maximum of 53 miles each way (ie a total journey of 70 miles each way minus the 17 miles deemed to be a reasonable commute (the first 17 miles each way does not qualify for Excess travel). A variety of online tools may be used to calculate travel distances (e.g. Google, RAC, AA). The NHS Terms and Conditions does not specify a tool for calculating mileage, however we expect trainees to take the shortest and most cost-effective approach when claiming, unless there are exceptional reasons.Trainees appointed to single-site training programmes are not eligible to claim excess mileage (National Framework para. 31).

The rates of reimbursement for excess travel in the Terms and Conditions of Service for NHS Trainees and Dentists refers to Section 17 of the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, which applies to all staff directly employed by NHS organisations and sets the rates of reimbursement. Individual trusts may have taken an internal view to increase reimbursement costs, however this is not subject to any national agreement.

It is possible for both relocation and excess mileage to be claimed for the same event, subject to the overall maximum expenses limit of £10,000, with the exception of circumstances set out in paras. 14 and 19 of the National Framework.

To be eligible for removal expenses, a trainee should relocate their primary residence at least 30 miles from their old residence or/at least one hour’s travel time in normal traffic and live within a ‘reasonable commute’ of the majority of the anticipated prospective hospitals/placements on their training programme (National Framework para. 22).

Excess mileage expenses are payable at the reserve/PTR rate and incurred as a result of rotation when their home to place of work is more than 17 miles each way (National Framework para. 31). 70 miles each way is normally used as the maximum safe daily commute for Relocation purposes. Therefore Excess Mileage claims should be limited to 53 paid miles each way per day (70 miles – 17 miles = 53 miles each way) (National Framework para. 38).

Included and excluded expenses for reimbursement are set out in Appendix 2 of the National Framework.

To qualify for stamp duty payments, you must have occupied your previous residence and have sold it (or be in the process of selling it). Stamp duty will only be reimbursed when the previous property is sold, and the new property is purchased. (National Framework Appendix 2). For further information on costs that will be reimbursed refer to Appendix 2.

Costs that will be reimbursed up to the maximum sum allowance of £10,000 for the sale of your property will include legal, estate agent and solicitors’ fees. This must be provided on a headed statement detailing all the costs. Please note that up to £8,000 of the house move is exempt from tax, the remaining amount is subject to tax.

There is no stipulation in the framework that negates relocation in the final year of training. However, any relocation should be clarified for eligibility prior to submission using the Eligibility Form and if the employer assesses there is no requirement to move to fulfil clinical commitments, then this would not be supported. Trainees will not be expected to profit materially in relation to relocation and associated expenses. The trainee would still be eligible to claim any applicable excess mileage.

If there is a penalty clause in the rental agreement and the trainee is required to move because of a training placement and the commute is not feasible from the current rental premises, then a trainee can claim funding for the cost excluding payment for deposits or any penalty fees for loss or damage, late payment, etc. Rental Agency fees would not be reimbursed for moves for any other reason. (Appendix 2 of the National Framework).

Trainees on single-site training programmes are not eligible to claim excess mileage as they are expected to live within a reasonable commute of their placement and not travelling between sites (National Framework para. 11). A reasonable commute is deemed to be 17 miles (National Framework para32).

However, as set out in paragraph 39 of the framework, where daily travel distances for a single placement are agreed to be excessive, temporary accommodation expenses can be claimed subject to the regionally agreed maximum as set out in Appendix 1 of the National Framework (see Appendix 2 – Temporary Accommodation Expenses), and this would enable excess mileage to be claimed for one journey home each week.

Expenses for removal/relocation are exempt from income tax up to £8,000 for one move only as per the relevant HMRC guidance, however excess mileage claims may be subject to tax. Trainees should clarify their personal position with their employer. (National Framework para. 15).

The maximum tax-free allowance claimable under HMRC for one relocation is £8,000 (ie the HRMC allowance is per move not per trainee). Moving as a couple/pair does not affect the maximum tax allowance for each trainee.

Further guidance is available on the HMRC website at https://www.gov.uk/expenses-and-benefits-relocation.

Under the Relocation and Travel Expenses framework, trainees are not eligible to claim for temporary accommodation following night duty shifts and on call commitments. It is the responsibility of the employer/placement organisation under appropriate Trust Health & Safety policies. Please refer to schedule 13, paragraph 10 of the Terms and Conditions of Service for NHS Trainees and Dentists in Training.

However, where a trainee commutes long distances which are deemed to be acceptable normally, identifies a day, or a run of days, and requires temporary accommodation close to their place of work, in anticipation of working the next day, rather than commuting back to their home a trainee can claim for the cost of their normal return journey excess mileage and use this to fund the cost of their accommodation for that night(s). A trainee cannot claim both relocation and excess mileage for night shifts and on-call.

A trainee can claim for two preliminary visits in searching for new accommodation, with a maximum total of four nights whether consecutive or split across the two visits (Appendix 2 of the National Framework).

Expenses for preliminary visits cover accommodation and subsistence, return travel at public transport rate or standard rail fare, for the trainee and their immediate family. This reimbursement is included within the maximum allowance available (Appendix 2 of the National Framework).

A trainee cannot claim both excess mileage and temporary accommodation for the same event. (National Framework para. 40).

Where a trainee commutes long distances which are deemed to be acceptable normally, identifies a day or a run of days, where they would prefer to stay in temporary accommodation close to their place of work, in anticipation of working the next day, rather than commuting back to their home they can claim for the cost of their normal return journey excess mileage and use this to fund the cost of their accommodation for that night(s).

Where daily travel is agreed to be excessive (with your employer), alternative arrangements will be considered and may include temporary accommodation expenses, which includes a return journey from home each week. (National Framework para. 39).

In line with timelines within the relocation and travel framework, there is a limitation of 12 months for reimbursements for expenses in relation to the sale of the old property and purchase of the new property (Appendix 2 of the National Framework).

Whilst the old property remains unsold, reasonable additional accommodation costs may be reimbursed. Reimbursement will be for the lower of either the monthly mortgage on the old property or the monthly mortgage/rent on the new property for a maximum of 12 months.

Trainees who have not found suitable accommodation in the new area and who are in accommodation separated from their family due to not being able to re-locate immediately may be reimbursed the travel costs of weekly visits either by the trainee to the family home or by immediate family to the trainee, at public transport rate or standard rail fare for a maximum of 12 months. NB: Travel costs are only to port of entry if outside of UK.

Appendix 2 of the National Framework allows for the costs for storage of furniture and effects for up to a maximum of 12 months.

As per the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook, only mileage expenses are reimbursable in respect of excess travel – i.e. there is no entitlement to reimbursement for toll or parking charges. However, it has been agreed that NHSE will reimburse trainees for agreed tunnel/bridge toll charges as per the Regional Flexibilities Framework in Appendix 1 of the National Framework para. In the South-East Region there are allowances for:

– Isle of Wight ferry charges subject to trainees utilising most efficient regular user options.

– Dartford Dart/Tunnel crossing charges where it is agreed necessary for trainees to use this.

Please refer to the Appendix 1 of the National Framework for the full list.

Reimbursement of claims will be provided to the agreed maximum sum for all categories of expenses outlined in the Relocation and Travel Expenses framework inclusive of all removal and associated expenses and excess mileage claims. The maximum sum is £10,000 for the entire period of postgraduate training and is not proportioned for trainees working less than full time.

The maximum allowance of £10,000 is based upon an assumption of 8 years reckonable service in any approved training programme. Trainees who exceed this period of training (for example, trainees whose CCT is awarded after completion of ST7/8 and Trainees working less than full time) and who have exhausted the £10,000 maximum allowance will be entitled to continue to claim for excess mileage and/or relocation expenses (National Framework para. 14).

Trainees and their dependants will be reimbursed for travelling expenses incurred on removal from the old accommodation to the new property accommodation at the public transport rate, or standard rail fare. If required, Trainees can also take one day’s paid leave (Appendix 2 of the National Framework).Trainees who wish to claim reimbursement of removal expenses should complete an eligibility form available from their employer or the SE Relocation webpage (NHSE South East –
Relocation Expenses and Excess Travel)
. Trainees should submit a request for confirmation of eligibility for reimbursement as soon as possible before incurring any costs.

There is no requirement for the employer to accept responsibility for expenses incurred if the trainee does not confirm eligibility for re-imbursement as set out above (National Framework para. 43).

Trusts should submit their monthly reports spreadsheets to NHSE South East by the 14th day of the following month (e.g. June information is required by 14th July). The reports should be emailed to the corresponding group mailbox:

Kent, Surrey & Sussex: england.relocationexpenses.kss@nhs.net

Thames Valley: england.relocationexpenses.tv@nhs.net

Wessex:                        england.relocationexpenses.wx@nhs.net