Relocation and Excess Travel

The new arrangements for the payment of relocation and excess mileage expenses came into effect for postgraduate medical and dental trainees on 1st November 2020. The framework has been developed through close coordination with the BMA.

Trainees should read the national framework:

HEE National Relocation Framework

Claims for relocation or excess mileage expenses are managed and processed by employing trusts. Trainees should contact their employing Trust with any questions about relocation and excess travel. Expenses claims must be submitted to the Trust within three months of the expenditure being incurred.

Relocation and mileage claim forms

We are still in the process of adding Trust claim forms to the website. If your employing Trust is not listed below, please contact the Medical HR or Medical Education Centre directly.

University Hospitals Southampton
Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust
Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust

Salisbury Relocation expenses form

Excess mileage expenses should be submitted using the ‘Easy Expenses’ online system

Solent NHS Trust
University Hospitals Dorset
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Excess Mileage – Excess mileage claims should be submitted using SEL expenses online system. Please contact Karen McCarthy, Medical Education Lead for further information

Relocation Expenses Form