Medical Education – Specialised Foundation Programme – Salisbury

Employing Trust: Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Department: Department of Medical Education
Commencement Dates: August
Educational Supervisor: Dr Richard Smith (Consultant Rheumatologist) (ES for 2 year Foundation Programme)
Tel: 01722 336262 Ext. 5833

Clinical Supervisors for Specialised Placement: Dr Georgina Morris (Foundation Programme Director), Dr Emma Halliwell (Director of Medical Education), Dr Annabel Harris (Associate Clinical Sub Dean/ Undergraduate Tutor)
Administrator Contact:
Anna Spicer Email:
Emma Freeman Email:
Tel: 01722 336262 Ext. 5833

Main Educational Opportunities:

Specialised trainees will meet with their Medical Education placement supervisor during their F1 year to discuss the educational development opportunities available to them and will select a project/area in which to conduct their Medical Education training placement.

Attendance at multi-disciplinary Education Development &/or Simulation Team Meetings for Education Faculty in Salisbury to provide an overview of local challenges and developments.

Invitation to attend the regional Academic/Specialised Foundation teaching programme (organised by the Medical Education team in Southampton)

Opportunities to participate in a range of different learning and teaching events at undergraduate and postgraduate level, for training doctors and allied health professionals.

Attendance on either the University of Southampton Medical School ‘Teaching Tomorrow’s Doctors’ (TTD) Course, or the Advance HE accredited Southampton University ‘Teaching the Teachers to Teach’ (T5) course would complement the placement with a taught theory component and is supported (with study leave and funding available).

Depending on selected education-related project/area, there will be opportunities for attending meetings and joint working with colleagues from local Clinical Education and Simulation Faculty, Wessex Foundation School or Southampton Medical School. It is anticipated that the post holder will primarily work on projects designed to improve education and training for those on clinical placements or working within Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust.

Previous Salisbury SFP F2 post-holders have worked in the Emergency Department alongside their Medical Education post for 8 months on a 50:50 basis to enable them to maintain and develop clinical skills alongside education-related roles.

Education Development experience:

Wide range of opportunities for projects developing and improving existing teaching programmes and/or creating new teaching and learning events in Postgraduate and Undergraduate Medical Education.

Medical Education Department in SFT sits within a wider Clinical Education Faculty providing opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Direct involvement in Educational activities:

  • Developing plans for new teaching/learning events
  • Exploration and improved use of Information Technology and/or Simulation for educational purposes and adherence to relevant Clinical, Education and Information Governance guidelines
  • Participation in improving and delivering teaching and assessment in established education and training programmes
  • Writing up results for presentation and/or publication

Formal Teaching Programmes:

SFP Post holders will continue to attend formal clinical foundation programme teaching events (weekly).
In addition, there will be opportunities to attend:

  • 1 to 1 meetings with academic education project supervisor
  • Monthly Education Development Meetings (multi-disciplinary)
  • Faculty-development workshops delivered in SFT (e.g. in Simulation)
  • Simulation teaching sessions (SFT has a large, well-equipped SIM Suite)
  • Workshops and conferences (organised locally by Southampton Medical School, Wessex ‘Deanery’ Education Fellows and/or the UK Foundation Programme ‘Sharing Best Practice Day’)

A formal programme of training for new educators has been established at University of Southampton.  Two potential options are available for SFP Medical Education post holders to attend on an ‘either/or’  basis.

  1. Southampton Medical School ‘Teaching Tomorrow’s Doctors Course (TTD)

This training is primarily designed for those teaching and supporting Medical Students but is general and is also applicable to educators working in postgraduate clinical education.

Through attending the 4 day TTD Course, SFP trainees should be able to:

  • Identify learning needs of medical undergraduates
  • Discuss and apply learning and teaching principles, education theory and research
  • Reflect on factors that affect learning and teaching and have awareness of equality and diversity of learners and creating equal opportunities for participation
  • Choose appropriate content, methods and resources for meeting specific learning outcomes and establishing an effective learning environment
  • Give constructive feedback to support and monitor educational progress
  • Describe basic principles of assessment
  • Receive and respond appropriately to feedback and evaluate your own teaching to identify strengths and areas for development

2. Alternatively, SFP post holders would be supported to enrol on the Teaching the Teachers to Teach Course (T5) during their F2 year. This is a longer course with greater independent study required. It is accredited externally by Advance HE and can be used as evidence towards obtaining ‘Associate Fellowship’

Having successfully completed this module you should be able to:

  • Using the educational evidence base and the ARC model, critically appraise and reflect on your teaching session in facilitating quality learning.
  • Design and deliver an educational session, using the HACASE framework and a student-centred approach, in which teaching and learning activities and formative/summative assessments are constructively aligned to appropriate learning outcomes.
  • Discuss your educational approaches to ensure student-centred learning, considering individual learners’ circumstances, and potential barriers to their learning.
  • Critically appraise your individual teaching approach and formulate, through reflection, a set of initiatives to benefit your teaching practice.

Academic competencies:

By the end of the specialised F2 programme, the F2 doctor will have done a selection of the following:

  • Developed a new module/course in an undergraduate or postgraduate medical curriculum
  • Adapted their teaching style to different learner needs and different learning environments
  • Developed then used an assessment programme to test knowledge, skills and attitudes
  • Presented or published an education-related project


This will be flexible according to the education-related meetings, project involvement  and learning and teaching events to be attended. SFP F2 Medical Education post holders would have an individualised programme, the emphasis of the 8 month placement being in education-related work (i.e. participating in teaching, education development/project work), organised alongside their F2 Emergency Medicine placement (50:50 split).